Graphic designers

Since I have somehow been part of this community for half a decade already, I feel this is the most comfortable place for me to get in touch with the like minded people.

So, is there other graphic design students, graduated, freelancing or just interested in creating digital or traditional artwork out here at crossfire? I would like to know your whereabouts, what's the level of education, atmosphere at the work or just what's up. Some links to your fresh new projects or portfolios would be a nice addition.

I personally just finished my second year at studying graphic designing and will no be spending my summer holiday working on some client projects and expanding my portfolio. Also just got two commissioned posters ready to decorate the construction site at my towns centre. :p

ps. Would be interested in collaboration art project since I haven't ever done anything like that before.

image: salvador-dali
begin graphic studies next year D:
Motion Graphics "Freelancer", sold some stuff at already but lost my portfolie, which included around 6-7 works, some time ago when my HDD fucked up. Atm Im trying to rebuild the portfolio and ofc I want to improve it :)

e: but no, I didnt study it, learnt all by myself and tutorials.
the site itself looks horrible but judging by the clients, it was preetty major for a self learned freelancer, good job :p
hehe thanks, took me about half a year to get on a decent level, so I can sell the work ^_^
studied graphics and failed, fuck yeah.
Wasn't for you, the courses and teachers sucked or just was too lazy to finish anything? Seems that the lack of motivation and a strange picture that it would be just drawing wolves and fairies all day long were the reasons for 2-3 drop outs at my class.

Teacher didnt know how to teach the course, the course sucked and noone finished it.

I haven't officialy failed yet since i havent had my results but i failed my coursework badly and i needed 110% going into the exam to pass, so yeah :D
even if i had the talent for it, i could never dare to be in the same field of work as dali
Dali is my personal favourite out of the old masters and most likely the reason why I always try to twist normal things a little and to do things my way.
Scary when you put it like that.. "half a decade"
time flies :p
show some of your works :D
Well here are the posters I mentioned at the topic,
studying a higher national diploma in automotive design, im hoping to go onto 3d modeling or CAD work, not sure yet hoping to go conventry uni to study 3D design :)
I will meet you there. I live like 12miles from there. Wonna fight about it?
yeah im on fat swingersssssssss
Tell Fate/jussi he has to come back!
yes.. almost done with graphic designer and next year going for communication & media design
Any online portfolio to be seen? And how was the studies, did you got enough chances to work with real clients or just imaginary school projects?
havent much online yet but

A lot of imaginary schoolproject idd, but in the final year for the exam you had to make a project with a classmate for a real client (you could even get money for that). You had to make 800 hours together (a lot of documentation etc)
Okey, I just finished my second year and we already had two different client projects. I bet the last years will have more client projects incoming so that is good in our studies. But the salary is optional and will most likely get nothing since the clients pay for school.
I expect this next year too on higher education
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