Scheme help

Anyone knows how to create the control of a program in scheme, this program is a game called domino.
Im stucked in this shit for hours and i am still in the uni trying to solve this. And i have to deliver this project tomorrow.

I will reward the ones that help me with this.
the control must send messages to the interface and then the interface shows what u have sent. I know my explanation is not that good but its hard to explain and even harder to do.
ask Nicki Minaj
maybe it was a bad ideia to ask this to cf because of people like u that tries to troll everything but fail hard at it. so get out of my lawn.
oh cmon :D i had to wait 5more mins for the prince of bel air to finish dloading :D wasnt even a troll, some random comment postings
scheme 015

google it
i have no idea!
pretty nerd stuff

damn its friday already
sense, where are you?
Sorry idk how to code in scheme, I have a friend that made a game in scheme recently lol
It's called Racket now.
but i dont use the newest version of it so its still called DrScheme
if this isnt school work then I would look at "real" languages like c++ and c# using directx. No point investing energy into a language syntax and api that is specific for one application and not transferable to the real world of game programming.
its for a uni project not a project of my own
fair enough
hahaha, thats what i thought when i read this... i thought he needed a translator :D

its me or e blues ya prickkkk !
No joke i read this thread earlier and thought the same thing swear to god lol. Think our heed's are away with the fairies.
Ahaha, his sister scares the fuck out of me.
id pump fuck out her, just cos of her "fuck me" shades though....
The shades aint got shit on her fringe man..that fringe is just stunning!
thought it was the same :D
problem solved
No clue about such language, Glad you solved it amnesia!
é uma linguagem de merda que é um tipo de iniciaçao à C. ainda estou na faculdade a fazer esta merda, isto vai ser directa a fazer isto.
amnesia não sejas menino as estas horas é que o peixe rende :)
render até rende mas o pior é que no sabado tenho um teste :D
Concordo com o waste, durante a noite é que rende, pelo menos falando por mim!

E sim eu sei que é uma linguagem assim, mas como nunca a usei/aprendi/vi nada feito em scheme, não faço a minima. É ridiculo estarem a aprender linguagens inuteis. C/C++ e linguagens de alto nivel orientadas a objectos é mais que suficiente..
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