Singleplayer games for shit PC

So, I'm in need of some nice singleplayer games to play when I'm at my dad's and get bored. The PC here aint that good, which limits the possibilities a bit. I can tell u the specs, if needed.

No shooter games, since I can't enjoy them with this computer. Preferably some nice strategy/rpg/manager/simulator games. Just throw some suggestions, thanks :)

E: Preferably not very big to dl, since I've got a slow inet connection here.
I played a nice one some weeks ago, let me look it up :)
What kind of a game?
civ 5 it was I think, don't know for sure tho :)
k thanks :) Im quite sure it wont run on this shit pc though :P
Caesar 3 or Earlier civ's / Settlers might work ;)
simcity 4 or 3000
settlers 3
some anno game
Caesar 3
Rollercoaster Tycoon 2
Bought rct 1 when I was around 8-9yo with the money I won from our schools drawing contest :) One of the best building games Ive played! (dunno about rct 2)
Europa Universalis III
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
Baldur's Gate I + II

Conclusion; III > all.
Freelancer, Mafia, gta: vc+sa, civilization games, elder scrolls games, rise of nations, black and white, neverwinter nights, max payne, baldur's gate2 , total war series, syberia, heroes of might and magic games, age of mythology/empires, warcraft 3 are all playable for an old pc and great.

edit: and get some snes,psx,n64, sega and game boy emulators ASAP
freelancer was one of those games where i was like FUCK I HATE THIS WHY CANT I STOP PLAYING by the end :d
i bet you went into pirate space with shitty guns and wasted hours trying to kill a single patrol to get upgrades without any success, just like i did =)
Medieval Total War 1/2
Deus Ex 1
Super Meat Boy
Age of Wonders x
Warlords Battlecry x
snes-emulator -> win
GBA emulator > Phoenix Wright series (and hopefully you dont have internet so you can't cheat!)
Fable III :{D
worms, duke nukem 3d, final fantasy, zelda oracle of seasons, super meat boy
n64 emulator -> zelda: oot, zelda mm
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