Got to love slac screenies.

At least two things that might be annoying in your slac screenshots:
- Whine about your own mates in Xfire ingame chat and they find out because of slac.
- Show your servers ref pw like this:

So should you be able to hide your some of your own screenshots if there is nothing cheat related in it?
still the best ss was with redtube at xfire
already deleted, or? :DD
yep deleted :D
Yes, because changing ref PW is such a big thing.
Also why the hell did you have to attempt at /ref that many times?
Maybe you should ask that tard who couldn't remember the pw. And apparently they hadn't changed it :)
I was under the impression that the person in the screenshot was you.
hard to remember your ref pw :$?
1. find slac screenshot containing your server's ref password

2. report to chaplja via pm make a journal about it with a link to the screenshot and ref pass
Nope: "Find screenies containg those egokickers servers ref pw and post that to xfire" :)
I was under the impression that the person in the screenshot was you.
Bind F12 "ref qwert; clear" or something like that could work?

Else in these cases the screenshots should be able to be reported and should be deleted/hidden.
if you are going to bind a key to go ref then there will be no need to clear the console, because you won't have to type the password...
once u bind it, it doesnt even show it in console so "clear" is useless
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