Post workout meal !

Since I'm bored like hell I decided to teach u how to eat to get bigger without fat just like me nolifers. Here's some nice example of good meal


(200 g chicken breasts, around 150 g rice, 25 ml linseed oil and water)

I eat this x4 a day every 2h ( cut carbohydrates if needed) . + 2 other meals.

but remember nolifers If u dont have genes like me or Arnold u'll never get nice body.

and remember get some nice muscles and face.

image: mcdonalds

buffest guy ever.

edit: hahaha, arnie as background, cmon dude.. working out is one thing, but arnie.. :')
omfg I'm hungry now :(
nice wallpaper, buttplugger
lol'd at your background xDDDDDDDDD
You eat more rice in a day than an African village in a week.
your wallpaper background made this journal epic all on its own.
Too bad you are a weak little shit compared to me m8
strenght > muscels
i agree, strength is far for important/useful than useless muscle mass
i take the muscels which come with the strenght but i dont want to look like arni even though he was the best loockign bbler ever and i respect him.
My dear friend FinlandSlarto is still bigger
arnie as background? couldnt be more gay
say bye bye to your kidneys
such an amazing journal
j'ai eu la même réaction !
LOL, heeey BG sur ta photo, jpeux meme pas en unpload une nouvelle :X
ça fait des semaines ou des mois qu'on peut plus la changer ;o en tout cas, ce polak est un sacré phénomène de foires :-D
is this you ?

image: nofolderselectedgotoste
there's no point doing that during summer. because unlike in the winter, the body doesn't stock most of the things you eat. you should wait till september to start with mass gain. (just like me :p ) and your "menu" is kinda "simple" never tried to follow a real diet massa gain menu?
I exactly know what I'm doing brother
ok :) every body is unique and reacts differently ^^ good luck with it !
I rather eat w/e I want and stay in normal fit :)
I just ate a fuckton of chips and I feel bad about it now :(
Im gonna do the same tomorrow @ match but once for a while won't hurt u.
u can have good body with shit genes, just not a perfect body
Wow you really need to mix up your diet a bit
Quotecut carbohydrates if needed
= just chicken breast? You meal is as bland as anything, think Dave pro @ cooking needs a comeback to style on this
Well I eat only chicken breast coz its simple to prepare and carry in box and ofc one of the best source of protein. the diet is simple coz i dont have time to fuck with all various ingredients. I just give my body whats best to grow properly.
i fuckin lold :D
you just made a fool out of yourself on a whole different level :>>
pls dream more about being like arnold and post a picture of 200g (WOW) chicken breast on a gaming site
Quotebut remember nolifers If u dont have genes like me

Show us pic.
saguaro from Lidl <3
+1 Uwielbiam ta wode ! grejfrutowa the best
Moja rodzina jest naprawde bardzo dumna kiedy saguaro jest w domu. Lidla mamy niedaleko, a zawsze sie ciesza kiedy przyniose zgrzewke tej wody <3
Faggot overload in here.
Nothing special imo : - )
I just eat as usual and go to gym 3-4x a week
Horse meat > chicken
sheep > all other ones. (but it's fatter)
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