Desktop Help!

I been playing a while on laptop, but now i wanna use my desktop but theres a little problem with booting it up, so i thought maybe the crossfire people could help me!

Its a new desktop so there shouldent be anything wrong with it, but when it boots up, it boots it via random shit like a cd thats in it, so i have to press f12 when it boots and then select what to boot in a list .
So every time i boot up i gotta do that shit kinda annoying, k this was a bad explanation xD (I hope u understand this)

Btw my pc is a acer aspire.

So +1 for the one who first off knows what im talking bout and knows how to fix it xD

image: mertz
change the boot order in bios?
Dnno, but this is my desktop:
image: cCahA
almost default rainmeter skin gratz

wery creative


image: 258rm9j
much nicer than his
i smell sarcasm
i know right
I could not have that as my desktop! :o
Can i make this desktop in Windows 7? It looks awesome
Download Rainmeter+some rainmeter skins, fuck around with it and get a nice background :)
My rainmeter indicates that it has rained 51.4mm this month, does your rainmeter do this?????????
No, cuz I dont care how much it rains :)
nice english xD ( I hope you udnerstand this)
What Gemb said, go into bios and change the boot order so it loads up hdd first.
Take your CD/DVD out :/?

image: wit-pobcac-problem-occurs-between-computer-and-chair-computer-admin-t-shirts_design
0o domme opmerking als je het mij vraagt lol
Wat "domme opmerking"?

Ge hebt problemen met uw boot priority. 9/10 staat uw DVD drive als eerste geselecteerd. Ofwel kunt ge uw HD als eerste plaatsen, of als ge te lui/te dom is haalt ge gewoon uw Windows DVD eruit (of wat er ook mag inzitten). Dan zal die DVD drive wel gecheckt worden, maar er zit niets in dus start hij gwn op van de HD.

Voeg trouwens maar het volgende aan uw awards toe in uw profiel: too stupid to know the difference between to and too.
uhm.. heb de cd er al eens uitgehaald en dan boote ie via iets anders, dus versta je rage hierzo niet..

kwetst me eigenlijk wel dat jij zo gemeen bent ;D
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