online gamez

any recent (2yrs) online games like mmos mmorpgs mmorts minigames or whatever fun came out?i need to pass some time. btw decent ql lan stream
If you need to pass some time, read a book. Future 'you' will thank you (and me).
Well, I read the Harry Potter-books and while I agree the first four books are really childish and I'd be embarassed to be seen reading them, the last three were also aimed at a more adult public. I've enjoyed the books, they're nothing special but it's a good story.

And I know you didn't ask for this little rant of mine, but anyway, thanks for the link because I didn't know him and he's funny as hell (atleast in the first 2 vids I saw)!
Oh no you didn't, if you go down this road of Harry Potter abuse i will have no option but to expecto patronum style on you
I just said I enjoyed the books!
What's wrong with reading the first four books? I personally grew throughout the series coming out (reading first 7-8 years old) so only childish hit I take is being nostalgic. Every single of them is a good book by good author.
There's nothing wrong with reading the books, they're just childish. They were written for a very young public, contrary to the latter three.

I read the books in my late teenage-years, so I don't have this nostalgic feeling when reading them.
i read thousands of books, if i had anything interesting i would read =]
Shops haven't closed, go buy an interesting book!
who are you to talk about books on xfire, place of ignorance & image: Andrev_nerd
For many people, reading books also belongs to nerds.
books are sacred, dont insult them by naming them here in presence of such filthy people.
i read most of the interesting ones that fit my interests therefore finding something interesting has an interestingly low chance of happening
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