Illegal to dance in America


Police arrested them for dancing & slam one bloke to the ground, wtf?

e:Does your right to self defence exist against the police?
Best part is that the police doesnt even know under what law he's arresting them for nor what they would be charged with. God bless America.
Brilliant, only in America
america's nervous? osama trolled hard :D
Freedom to do as we tell you.
hëhë i told you guys america was gonna fail hard
btw i read that Obama wanted a law where he could just randomly attack any country any time he wanted without a reason, LOL GG WORLD if tht happends
sauce: The Sun
That sounds like a reliable source which you read it from
well honestly it doesnt even matter where i read it
he's obviously already breaking the war laws yet no1 seems to give a shit
wtf are you talkin about
fact is there are no demonstrations allowed in public memorials so people get arrested for dancing. So lame that police use such a small legal issue to arrest and saying that dancing is a demonstration lol.

You read about that Obama thing in the sun :DD. such a fail paper. Never read that paper after i was 16 cause it seriously fails.
no i didnt read it in The sun, i dont even know what the fuck that is
i prolly herd it Alex Jones' show
You watched any Zeitgeist films yet?
God damn hippies
When I was in Chicago and a friend of mine had just bought himself a football and we played around with it near the Bean a bit our teacher got all excited and scared that the cops might come.
only in Ameriaca!!!
Seems legit.
Does your right to self defence exist against the police?

are u stupid? ofc not, rofl..
So the police can assault you without any reason?
Human rights law applies to every person in the country of origin there are no exceptions.
Tell that to the Conservative HQ riot attendees. That was a disgrace.
no but usually they dont without any reson.
we all know it happens, but unfortunately it doesnt get punished as hard as if we`d attack an officer, will it be with or without any reason.
Usually, but it still happens too often. In England some police officers even have criminal records.
those cops will have to face a massiv shitstorm, they are arresting ppl without any law to back them up, constitution bye bye!
those guys will lost theyr job
you lost your english it seems
we not friends anymore.. ok
fb friends > cf buddies
ok goot, but still friend me
those guys will lost theyr job
are they even legit police? wouldn't surprise me if the whole thing was staged to cause an uproar about police brutality

though, it wouldn't surprise me if they were genuinely retarded police officers either

the video is sad to watch either way
It is genuine, guy who got slammed down was Adam Kokesh, known activist and war vet
Quotewar vet

That's badass, healing animals on the battlefield and stuff
if there is a law which prohibits demonstrations near memorials (which i assume there is judging by that video) then they acted the right way. not only is it obvious that these kids were trying to provoke but what would you think the americans would say if there was a group of muslims dancing to their kinda music. theyd be scared, call it a demonstration and get the cops to arrest them.
and as the same laws account for everyone they acted in the only way they could.
(and the 2nd video does show that they did in fact issue warnings but these kids were provoking)
u can"t beleive what u say :xD
totally agree.. just look at the one guy wearing a t-shirt saying disobey. they deserved it.
if that law is sensible or even appliable can/should be discussed and all but fact of the matter remains:
polics says dont dance -> you dont dance.
police says hands behind your back -> hands behind your back.
resisting police force puts them in a situation where they HAVE to apply force. confrontation with the executive has no room for discussion that is what the legislative is for.
Ist das eig. serious mit dem Gesetz von wegen keine Drogen für Ausländer in Holland oder wird das hier nur von den Medien dramatisiert
[ger/offtopic] kann scho sein. ich weiss net in welchem ausmass das kommen wird aber ich bin eh resident also is mir reichlich wayne... ausserdem wirds immer shops geben die sich net dran halten. ich kaufe ja auch über 10g wenn ich in meinem "lieblingsshop" einkaufen gehe was eigentlich ent erlaubt ist.
naja ich gehe mal davon aus das dass nicht durchkommt von wegen touristen und so
wenn touristen doch der hauptgrund sind weswegen die das einführen wollen?!
Vielleicht in Grenz-nähe aber doch nicht in Städten wie Amsterdam?

QuoteDie Regierung von Premier Mark Rutte sieht das anders. Sie hat genug von der organisierten Kriminalität, die mit dem Rauschgift verbunden ist. Laut dem Reichsinformationsamt RVD sind die Coffeeshops nur noch die legale Fassade für den Handel mit enormen Mengen an Rauschgift. Die Produktion in leer stehenden Hallen hat vor allem in der Provinz Brabant für viele Probleme gesorgt. Bürgermeister, die dagegen vorgegangen sind, wurden zum Teil mit dem Tode bedroht. Kriminelle ermorden immer öfter Gegner oder Konkurrenten.

police says jump and kill yourself -> jump and kill yourself.

What a fucking retard reaction !
il est braindead
obviously :D
but the police does not say "jump and kill yourself" (suicide is illegal lol get ur facts straight dumb noob example)

in what kind of shitty country to you live to believe that the police wants something bad for you? lol sad for you nerds

i do what the police tells me to do cause i believe that they act in MY best interest and I can not complain AT ALL so far. but u r a cheese eating communist surrender monkey dont even know why i waste my time on you, you wont be able to grasp it. using the "jump off a bridge" example in this context should basically exclude you from any political argument for the rest of your life.
Cops are not robots. Some of them are fucking idiots just like many random guys.
Hopefully these "dancers" didn't coperate and I really can't wait for a judge sentence.
We'll see who are the retards.

e : noone of this policetards gave a law that forbid dancing here. Then, under wich reason they arrested them ? If they didn't have, they're totally wrong.
cops have to be robots...
no case to case judging. cops dont make the rules they enforce them.
i am glad those hippies did not cooprate and will face sentences for that.
hitler said "go and conquer the europe" and u almost did it
Godwin's law.
soz man but u as a whole society were always good in followin the orders
you had your chance to make your point, you blew it godwin style.
deal with it
nsdap style
you ill get arrested for demostration in every other country too ^^
Always the same with these power drunk police officers. Always the same with these 'democratic' governments. Always the same with the suppression of passion, and the suppression of freedom. Always the same with exploiting others for modern slavery.
QuoteAlways the same with exploiting others for modern slavery.

social welfare detected.
go on with ur paroles and wonder why no1 cares for hippies.
im not a hippie and I have no paroles. I just see the issues with modern day society.
Those people knew they were doing something illegal, regardless of whether the ruling itself makes any sense. Heck, they were there only to provoke.

Don't play with fire if you don't want to get burned. Or stand the heat. Whatever the expression is.
its pretty retarded that they cant dance or hold eachother there in "a free country", u gotta admit
and it isnt retarded that you dont know the difference between executive authority and legislative?
ah yes cuz theres a sign there that says "no dancing here"
what were they doin wrong? you can DANCE?! :DDDD
theres not fkin law that says you cant, gtfo
if there is a law that you can not demonstrate close to memorials it was justified.
also watch the vid from the 2nd perspective (second half). the officers told them to get lost and they started dancing.
that wasnt demonstrating, it was just dancing >:DD
and that is the problem with people like you.
if you do not wish to be a racist you may not make any distinction what so ever.
many people doing the same thing in an organized fashion has to be considered a demonstration of some sort... (better google the meaning of the term "to demonstrate something")... even if it is only a demonstration of joy.
equal rights for everyone and in this case equal prohibition for everyone or else you give other interest groups a ground to work with/on.
welcome to politics
still doesnt change the fact that its stupid :D
they ment no harm, they just wanted to prove smthin (i guess)
america the "free" country
its GOOD that ppl STAND UP to things & rebel
exactly they wanted to stand up and proove something in a place where it isnt allowed and only because it actually is harmless do so many people ignore that fact.
and resisting a direct police order and the following arrest while lead to the use of force that is widely known.
they will prolly have to adress the underlying law with all the resulting public pressure, and that is due to "martyrmdom" like that, but everything just went like it had to with these guys behaving like that.

if u r a wnb rebel you must be able to take the heat and notice that the guy in the white Tshirt getting arrested played it cool, like he should have. those retards yelling "police state" and "slavery" were the scared kids to the side who simply do not want to see that the police had no other hoice but to react.
I don't know why the court decided to do this so I cannot really have a proper opinion on it, but at first glance it seems pretty damn ridiculous yeah :P
wtf at slamming that guy to the ground, I would flip out D:
a move being taught in police academy. whats wrong with it?
They need to learn a move like that at the police academy? Nice. It's more the reason why he is slamming him to the ground
because he was resisting arrest... isnt that pretty obvious?
The reason why he is being arrested... following with a slam to the ground and being arrested... just sayin
the problem is that you dont understand the way the police works.
they do what they deem most appropriate (and again learn the difference between executive and legislative authority if you want to blame some1 for the law in the first place) and they are trained not to accept any resistance. this is nessecary to support their authority. judgements are NOT made on a case to case basis, they follow what they learned and what they get paid to do.
what they say has to be done, no arguing you will NEVER "get your right", as a citizen you are requried to obey the representatives of the law. if they say "dont dance" and you start to dance they will take you into custody (not an arrest or lawsuit per se) to defuse the situation. if you resist that they take you to the ground. if you fight it further they will use a tazer and pepper spray. that is textbook shit and nothing else could have been expected.
dont argue with the police during a deployment, in fact you dont have a right to do that.
I'm not trying to start a discussion here ;d Just saying, I would flip out if I was slammed like that to the ground ;d Then again, I wouldn't resist an arrest anyway.
thats why this vid sparks so much controversy.
everbody would admit that this is a case where a law does seem to affect something rather innocent and does not rly make that much sense.
but the police MUST NOT judge that, they have to act as it is asked of them and one also has to be honest enough to admit that they were provocing and resisting arrest and that the police procedures may look quite harsh but are, as far as my newb eye can tell, rather textbook.

e: if they wanted to make a statement by doing that they sure as hell did, and raised attention. but the discussion part will have to take place in front of a judge and getting arrest must have been part of their plan (if they had one that is).

getting arrested for soemthing stupid to raise awareness involves getting arrested and you must be aware of the fact that this is whats going to happen when you disobey a dicrect police order.
Most appropriate? Slamming someone to the ground for dancing? If he was throwing punches then I'd agree. It's called proportianate force. People have died through instances very similar to this, and for what? You can say that but I've shown family members who are in public services this video & they agree it's completely wrong.
again measures are forced by the situation and not up to a cops good will or judging.
i dont know how it vould be any clearer
he was explicitly warned not to dance.
he was taken into custody for doing it anyway.
he was thrown to the ground for continously resisting arrest.
he would have been tazed and/or pepper sprayed (and theyd prolly pull a gun on him, it is america afterall) if he throws punches.
hey man, im not arguing with you or smt, infact i think youre right, but one of these things must be true:

- youre an officer
- a close friend of you is an officer
- a close family member of you is an officer

i cant think of any reasons why you are really trying this hard to get these ignorant peeps convinced
cause i argue for the sake of arguing.
its what i am studying and i enjoy it even in my spare time :)
also i believe that you can not value people who work for the benefit of the community enough.
It is up to the cops to judge the situation and use appropriate force to restrain the "offender". They learn C&R in training & I can guarantee you that using this kind of force in this situation is not correct, he immediately went for the slam which isn't proportionate force.
freedom is slavery

you nerds know this right? ^
Welcome to America, where common sense is as common as common sense.
Quote by Benjamin Franklin Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
and now do a flash mob there
the kicks for the people on the ground are missing
these police officers are a shame!
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