Another series journalll

Ok so I'm in need of a serie to watch.

I really liked Dexter & Breaking Bad. What series are in that genre?

random pic
sons of anarchy apparently, though i haven't watched it
I think Breaking Bad and Dexter would be awesome.
Fuck yeah, what an episode today!
which episode? 8th or 7th?
Poor Ned :-(
you are a fucking idiot, grab ideas from last journal.
and watch sopranos and the shield, pisshead
:DD tell your mom to give you some more attention
bitch is making me sammiches as we speak. i bet you like to pretend you have a mother instead of two fathers though
I'm adopted. My mother died of aids and my father was eaten by a crocodile
sons of anarchy
the wire,
the shield
breaking bad,
blue mountain state
band of brothers,
mad men
boardwalk empire
what curlbro said with a highlight on the pisshead
read a book
Dexter & Breaking bad are the only series which I have really enjoyed. The only other "series" which I watch are The Ultimate Fighter (the first few are the best) & I watch them untill a new Breaking bad/Dexter come on. Apart from the two series in which I mentioned, I've watched;

- Chuck (Very cliche type of series, good for 1/2 seasons but isn't very enthralling & gets quite repetitive)

- Lie to me (Boring - episodes don't link so it's a series of short stories which are quite predictable)

- House (Same as above)

- Glory Daze (Not too bad. It's like a tamer American Pie if you like them sort of films it's worth checking out)

Also worth checking out Curb your enthusiasm & Shameless (UK Version).

I know none of these are similar to BB or Dexter but I haven't found any series to compare to them :(
i have a hard time with shameless (UK version aka the original). first its hard to find the beginnings (for me) and then again i really had to get used to the language (call it slang?) in the series. until now i only watched two UK episodes and all of the Us ones. maybe i just like the US ones better, because of the "more understandable" english. but i have a feeling, that the UK version is more original...

edith: i liked some of the "lie to me" episodes. at least they tried something original with the concept of the series (and i like tim roth ;D)
Yeah I can understand how it could be difficult to understand, but once you get past that, it's really enjoyable and is quite an accurate portrayal of English lower class.

I enjoyed the first lie to me episode but expected it to be a few investigations over the whole series and was really dissapointed that it was one crammed into each episode. I think it was that I expected it to be better, because it was a good idea, just poorly executed.
The Killing is pretty good so far. Game of Thrones too.
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