sup dogs

care to give me any good series to watch? need sumthing funny and cool my favos are bbt and himym best series evarRR
I watched Sin City yesterday, was ~5th time, still get the kicks from it <3

Ah, series. Well, Game Of Thrones is the most recent winner.

For lots to watch, go for OZ.
If you consider TBBT and HIMYHM as 'best series ever' you're doomed, sorry.
move your fat ass and check journals before you post retarded cheater,
stfu noob asylum, it's curlbro u dont talk to him like this
Seriously fucking sheep on here.
image: C-Dogs_Game_Screenshot

c-dogs plx
you are a fucking idiot, grab ideas from last journal.
and watch sopranos and the shield, pisshead
sopranos and the shield like the man upstairs says
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