31 May 2011, 08:37
I is bored. Lets kick this day going.
Shouts to #bd.com (BrinkDudes.com)
EDIT: Gotta buff a band of buddies since new video is out and album coming, dont watch it if you are some jumpstyle-whiner, otherwise enjoy.
– Cocktaillihapullia
– Broilerikebabia & hedelmäsalsaa
– Perunaröstiä
– Kreikkalainen salaatti
– Riisinuudelisalaatti
– Merellinen salaatti
– Marinoituja herkkusieniä
– Moniviljapatonkia ja perunarieskaa
– Pannariannos hillon ja kermavaahdon kera
Im drooling like a Pavlov's dog already
BBQ at evening, bought a 1,5kg chicken/broiler -box <3
Besides, I am not yet a real man.
my morning is kinda busy so far (yrly). we are 2 people out of 6 here today. and clients noticed obviously, so they are running in our doors and calling like crazy motherfuckers.
I'm not certain about my lunch yet... I brought bread and wurst, but I'd prefer something awesome. since it's raining, going outside isnt much of an option...
construction workers hit the water pipe outside our building, we are without water! I need to pee, drink, make coffee and wash my hands.
Barber > Gay using scizzors close to your ears
Not going at all till 13:30...
nah jk, I'll change the header font.
Write random gibberish to the .doc, open it with decompiler, erase random parts so it cant be opened because of corruption, send it. When your teachers tries to read it and answers you back, use the time to make your own essay meanwhile. You should get 2-3 days more to work with it, even more if there is a weekend.
Good morning :)
shaved my hair to celebrate
Thanks for the song, and kick the day in the face for me
edit: like the music, guitars and background singing in your mate his vid, not so much the frontman, sry :s