need HoN account #1337

need HoN account can trade CoD4 key!

pmme here on crossfire
trading two 1700+ accounts for brink (both pre-beta so with the bronze shield + different skins)
brink is shit believe me!
i have it and would trade it but have it on steam acc with css
HoN isn't that great either. Especially so if you lack four (or even more preferably, nine) friends to play it with.
play it with friends
Not always possible. Gathering enough friends to get rid of all the extrenal jerks (trust me, the game is full of them) is pretty hard.

It's a nice LAN game, though. I guess DotA would be an easier choice for a LAN game, however, because it's easier to coughpiratecough.
plus fucking one
Ye, after DDoS attack's community decreased and only guys which are playin are "Im 12 and whats that". It's really annoying ;c
only if you suck
Player skill has hardly anything to do with it. Loud-mouthed jerks are present on every skill level.
It's like playing against the worst low+ kiddies in ET, except that in HoN it's times thousand and present even on the highest skill levels. And don't go all "it's a part of the genre" on me.
if you're good enough just play inhouses and you're fine
inhouse and/or team games are quite enjoyable.
Doesn't mean you can't sell your brink key, does it? You can create an account for free.
[ger]hab grad nur gewinn gemacht, hab dem x3NJa mein steam acc gegeben halt mit css drauf er mir sein HoN account, kevji braucht dne HoN account um wieder matchmaking zu machen und ich will sowieso erst noch kien match makin spielen und dafür das er mein hon account bekommen hat habe ich seinen bekommen + steam acc[/ger] :D
: P
Was hat er denn alles drauf?
css, cs 1.6, cs condtion zero, dod, dods, deathmatch classic, half life, half life 2 + deathmatch, red ochestra ostfront 41-45 und ricochet
Wasn Spinner... Oo
Ein derart großes "Paket" würde ich nie gegen ein einziges Spiel tauschen ; p
mir gefällts ^^
trading TL invites for brink and hon

also cod2
need 1 aswell
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