fuck off hon

wtf cool, had 400gpm bot lane as chronos and my hon just laggs for 1 minute and then crashes and wont log in FUUUUUU

image: fuuu
Had same problem with the laggs! First DDOS now epic laggs!? IM MAD NOW!
i was just about to get double kill too, aluna had 1hp already and i was chasing him, had leap but FUCK it started to lagg, had that "disconnect" thing left side and i saw everything somehow but i couldn't do anything and a little later it fucking crashed+ can't log in now gg lost a game that i would have won 100% easily with 600gpm at lategame fuck off hon!
u play LoL not HoN
true, but i have also played LoL for some time. didn't find it very interesting though the gameplay is slow and alot easier to own there+the server was full and lagged hard sometimes.

LoL'ers attack! :P
in that case LoLers must be really mad at the fact that HoN is harder and better game
aww poor you, you paid money for a shit version of LoL
didn't crash for me, raping noobs with devourer blind huks 2k11
can't log in to hon no idea what the f is wrong with my account, i can log in with other accounts but when i use mine it says login failed:Connection failed. -_-
edit//the password and all the info is right i can log in @ hon page
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