Terraria Peeps wanted

Hi guys

I wanted some peeps to play terraria with me and who have a MP server
I am new to the game but understand the games logic :P

Anybody wanna play with me :P

Greetz Spero (iJul)
I have it, haven't touched the MP yet so might be fun to try.
would need someone with a MP sever though cause i ain't hosting and thats for sure :P
Depending on how much torque it takes and the availability of a dedicated Linux client I might be able to host it. However, I don't think there's dedicated server software out, especially not for Linux, and I guess it would take too much RAM too.

E: Yep, there's no dedicated software out yet, so can't do it. It will prove very problematic to host a larger-scale server at the moment methinks.
We need the Crossfire Minecraft server back D:

image: Main-14-10-2010

I need a server to host it on though ;_;
Terraria Server would be more fun tbh... minecraft grew quite old by now
only creative mods are shit , SMP is pure fun
Even SMP gets boring as dick eventually.
well if uve got fellas to play with its not then , eventhou i wonder if this terraria is free or can be cracked? looks good
Terraria costs 10e on Steam, but I'm sure there are cracked versions out there.

I did play Survival on a populated server with a bunch of friends, but still couldn't hold my interest on it for more than a few weeks.
Actually there are a couple of cracked versions out there that permit MP, and also let you play in official servers aswell.

E: I actually think atm that only 5 people can play at once in one server! not sure about it tho.
Well, just using a patcher that lets you change the resolution the game runs at is enough to crack it. I guess it will change as soon as Steamworks integration is here. At the moment there's practically no DRM.
depends on how long you have been playing the game. there comes a time when placing blocks simply for the looks isnt interesting anymore. there also comes a time when you simply dont care if you die or not cause you slept in your bed in your place filled with storage full of everything you could possibly need.
the game is just too limited to not get boring.
and i played pretty early during the alpha (when seananners had not yet made it big) so naturally i didnt rly play in months.
You still got the data of that server somewhere, would love to go back into my cave "hehe"
Upload and gief.
Nope :) Get me a server to host it on ;)
I can host, if you don't need uberspecs... (24/7 of course)
It does require quite some, I'm only hosting it if someones providing me a server I can control
Why you won't give server data, I guess you don't have anymore and just want someone to host you a server that you can steal then

image: b3ifrcwbu3gajfriq
6,66 for 12 slot server not that much is it :S
12 Slots ? Where did you get that from ?

e: Oh I think you replied to the wrong comment :O and 12 slots isn't nearly enough
Well, I'm not going to pay for it either way :) Got better stuff to do with my money ;d
cause its him.
he likes feeling involved
Ehhh, what :O It's my work, not going to give it away like that ;d
i liked your house the cinema and all that but its not all YOUR "work".
but it is exactly like i said: even tho you dont have the means of making it work atm you will not give it away because you think its yours... there are people doing community stuff for the community and then there is people who do it to distinguish themselves :)
I'm not saying that all the stuff made in the server is my work. The server itself and setting it up and getting a server to host it on is all my work. If people want to play on the same minecraft levels again they need to get me a server :)
with all the stuff you are doing why dont you get yourself a root?
Give me moneyz
a decent root isnt even that much i think... also you could think about donations to help out a bit
I just need a Windows oriented server that I can access from my pc, could be Windows Server 2008 or just XP. Not really want to put in the effort of searching one and getting people to donate :/
with a root you could vod your streams.
also if you understand a bit about server management you could rent out gaming servers and get the money back that way.
I'm not streaming anymore :/ Like I said, I'm not going to put in all that effort in for this server. Just saying if someone happens to have a server avi and I can use that server to host it on, great, I'll do it. But cba to do donations or whatever
u can make your own server
Oh rly, My pc isn't on 24/7 so people will start whining like they did in the start of the server :d
just let them QQ, its just to have a little fun because if u play minecraft too often it becomes boring. u arent obliged to make it up 24/7.
I tried it, it failed. I need a server to host this on.
but hosting is expensive. not that i care that much because i honestly dont play play that much of minecraft, now its mostly HoN.
how about REAL minecraft instead of this shit
How about, no.
PLSS yes.. played minecraft on a server but there are too many griefers
2D minecraft with focus on action/fighting
larger cave systems
waaaay more items
NPCs like vendors, nurse, ...

taken the minecraft idea and made it a game with actual content
i stopped reading after 2D


2D !!!!!!!!!!!!
it was colonel mustard in the living room with a knife

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