starting to update the cf fansite: http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=clan&mode=item&id=1483


image: 1859296389-neuer_manuel_getty.9 and image: RafinhaEPA_468x312 officially became Bayernspüia!

image: MiaSanMia
buying up the best players from their competitors to become champions

u r just mad that they bought players they need for Champions League.
they don't need players for cl, they only need good back up players for roben, ribery and co.
hat bayern patent drauf.
entweder verheitzen sie die spieler so aller deisler oder vergammeln auffer bank wie es gomez am anfang ergangen is.
da muss man finde ich unterscheiden, bei spielern wo man dachte, die könnten es schaffen war es schon oft so. bei spielern bei denen man von vorn herein davon ausgeht, dass sie weltklasse sind, diese spieler sind stammkräfte und zeigen ihre leistung.

gomez hat nicht an sich geglaubt, bzw andere probleme/komplexe gehabt
gomez war in der saison bevor zu den bayern gewechselt ist, torschützenkönig gewesen. glaube nicht das es an den glauben an sich selbst gemangelt hat. nur wenn man kaum bis keinen einsatz bekommt fehlt einem halt die praxis. wie man sieht wenn er spielt trifft er auch also von daher.
schalke was bayerns competition this year? ok
rafinha didnt even play bundesliga

fuck off worthless prick
bayern wasn't a competition for every team in the last season. they got rolled by 1.fc köln, hannover 96 and the champion borussia dortmund 09!
total bullshit, but doesnt have to do anything to what i replied to that person
I'm talking generally you shithead, not only this season.

If you would ask random people who the 2nd biggest club of the bundesliga is the chance they'll say Schalke is higher then any other club in the competition or do u really rate Schalke as the 10th (or whatever place they finished) biggest team in the league or what? Muppet.
schalke is not the 2nd biggest club in germany rofl, just check the standings of the last 10 years, then talk piece of shit
They are certainly not the 10th biggest club. Even if they are not 2nd, they are 3rd/4rh and so still one of the main rivals of Bayern so my point still stand.

And tell me, who is the 2nd biggest club in germany?
sure theyr not 10th. theyr top5, top 3 usually. id rank bremen a bit higher than them though and leverkusen is getting stronger again too.. also dortmund now, even though im sure they wont get into champions league again next year

and no, your point is wrong. since they dont need neuer to be infront of schalke :d
infact they wouldnt need any1 to win the german league. new players are just needed for champions league

this year was an exception because of many things. for example half team injured for a long time, robben even for the half season. van gaal being a totally retarded coach. and bayern had one of the most players at the world cup (i think even the most) and they got so far (half final and final) -> not much break from last year where bayern was in champions league final
real madrid does the same, still they arent good.

where's ur god now?
Not good? They are 2nd in the league & reached the semi's of the CL. And it's not only becoming 'good' themselves, it's also making your competitors worse by buying their best players. It's a double effect.

Still, there's a difference, Real Madrid doesn't buy their players every time from their competitors in Spain, 90% of them come from a foreign country. They don't make their competitors worse that way, it enriches the league with more top class players. You could say they weaken them through the favourable tv-contract though. But just to add, I dislike Real Madrid's behaviour more then Bayern's.

Oh, it's not that i care that much that bayerns bought them, just wanted to write a comment on a journal and this was the only sleightly interesting one -,-
sorry, "not good" was the wrong one, I meant they arent that good if you take in mind that they bought players for many million euro.
bayern is shit

haters gonna hate
i loved bayern munchen since i was collecting turbo stickers from the 1994 usa world championship.i hope they will manage somehow to get again 1st spot in bundesliga
Would be a surprise if they didn't, no!?
1st in bundesliga will be np next season imo
they are aiming to participate in cl final in their own stadium!
bvb vs bayern in munich would be a epic final :D
someone should start setting up a dynamo dresden cf page!
deine mutter ost ferein lower
du lebst auch noch? :)
i am actually quite pleased with the quality of your posts recent days.
very proud young padawan
das sagst du nur weil du mich als buddy zuruek haben willst :))
hab ich was verpasst?
von wegen.
best transfer ever!
image: fabio_coentrao

hes laughing on you
I'm not sure if Neuer is really worth that sum of money. Sure, he's a good goalkeeper, but they could get someone who is not so expensive and still providing "good enough" performances.

Rafinha is a great buy though. :)
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