
So, all ETPro publics except Bio seem to be dead, RIP. Am I right?
If not, could I get some IP addresses because they seem to be hiding from me fairly well.

Additionally, all of the (two) Jaymod servers I sometimes played on are dead, too. Which is funny, because I thought Jaymod had like gazillion players. I guess they finally succumbed to their own retardness.

Is ET dying? (Ok, it's been dead since 2008, but you get the idea)
Et is on the brink of dying.
oh i c what u did there
shit timing for a journal m8 :PPP

but yeah, it's fucked up.
What's wrong with my timing? I'm on a vacation which means I'm timeless.
i mean the fact you posted literally 2-3 seconds before me :p
Oh, right. Those things.
QuoteSo, all ETPro publics except Bio seem to be dead, RIP. Am I right?

for almost 2 years i considered u being a smart i see u are kinda stupid so yea RIP.BTW have u heard about nexus,hirntot or hbc.Not to mention even my shit server,if i m able to play and get like 3 4 players on it ,it gets full quite fast.This happend not only once but many times,and for 2 months since it was made it s quite good i guess.Let s not forget our friends from the slac room who even with that stupid thing no self kill in fight,they are not quite death.So the only death guy here seems to be u.

Now about the jaymod servers u really are dum dude.Idk what servers u used to play but i can give u a list of at least 5 servers where are more than 20 ppl online most part of the day.So pls being another guy making this kind of shit journals ,in which basically u say how awsome a 6 year old server called bio trully is,in the name of the normal ppl who dont play just for their fuckin dmg on a pub server:FUCK OFF!

p.s. a little tip for you fuckin retarded fintard:

and the animated series i was talkin to kevlar about was not your stupid troll,but the one called thor and loki blood brothers.of course u dont know about that cause this 2 legends dont belong to your ppl ,but to those who are your neighbours and way more fuckin advanced in mentality than u fintard ever gonna be
why are u such a mad person, u take ur time to flame every1 that thinks and lives their life in a different way then you :D mad much
i m not mad i m just dissapointed all the retards saying same shit over and over and over again.i m gonna tell them how retards they are as long as they say same shit over and over and over again.all servers are death,bio is so is kevlar doing for this retards:sucking their cocks or smt?i mean wtf they get if they make this free publicity?we already know about bio thank u very much,now let s get some chance to other servers as well.and thanks god there are old servers like hirntot or nexus or hbc which for me are 100 times better than the fuckin retards from bio
It seems like you are extremly mad and you skipped some english lessons :)

it seems my dick told me:who da fuck is this sucker anyway?
Your comments are extremly funny to read because of your english skills :D keep up the good work n stuff
my main language is romanian.i learned some english at school,but that was 10 years ago.i m not a speaker/writer in advance mode of this language.thing is for most of the retards here,even my low english skills are still much better than they need to understand what i m saying.although i m doubt they will ever understand since they are retards.and not that kinda of retards like dustin hofmann in rain man but the kind of retards u wanna step over with a tank
You know you look just as retarded as seareall and other dumbasses on crossfire :D?
let me tell u how much i care about your trolling:from 1 to 10 ,u can put it on pls take a bear as u finnish say,and stfu cause i have a pain in the ass reading your comments
Sad you think its trolling.
sad u think i care
Dunno, I base this claim on having a favouritelist on this serverbrowser and now most of the servers either don't respond to getstatus or show up as empty all day. Except Bio.
Whatever happened to Cyberbollocks or Crossfire SLACK public?

Also used to have a few populated Jaymod servers on the said list, now they're all empty. Or down. In the latter case they're often empty, too.

PS: Nexus and HBC are boring as dick, this game just doesn't work when there are over 20 people on a server. Hirntot only runs the default 6 maps and HirnSLAC was empty the last dozen times I checked.
the world moves on and on.u think things gonna stay same and dont change?check the website i gave u to stay on the news.and perhaps u should lay down your exceptations and dont claim et is death just cause some servers u have on favourite are not so populated anymore.also hirntot have 2 servers:the 6 maps one and another 10 maps one,which it seems u have no clue about and is also more than 20 ppl on it daily.but hey u wanna a pub or just a bigger scrim server.cause if u wanna just a bigger scrim server where retards don t give a fuck about gameplay but just their dmg,there is bio.if u want a pub...there are the rest i told u.and about jaymod ...pls...u still looking for a 8on8 slot jaymod server or what.on jaymod the more the better,this was from the very begginning

now let s assume that et servers are like fast food and we all know one of the most popular fast food during time manage to be mc that mean we all gonna go like fuckin zombies and eat only on mc donalds?cause me personnally i preffer the small,not so known but much better and dedicated to client ,better food ,better employees fast foods,than fuckin trash from mcdonalds
Oh my :DDDDDDDDDddddddddddd
Parent pretty much always ppl around to play, no matter what time, based on cybergames syle
NbsEtpro - (no anti-cheat :F)
NS ETPRO - (pb and polaks)
[!!!]Hirnlos - (pb)
ib epto slac -
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