arab + car = win

dont care about politics so dont even start! cool vid
We arabs got the talents to do that unlike the other nations and i believe that were also are some of the best drifters around thumbs up if u agree
nice politics there i guess... ppl can do what ever the fuck they want
usefull talent

not sure if troll
old video is old

All fun and games till an innocent person is killed.
Right, are their streets made out of some special asphalt or how the hell is that even possible, there's no way a person could do that on the asphalt around here.
You can if 1) The asphalt is ultra slick and 2) your bike's tires are worn out (read : not much profile on them anymore)
Well, I guess it's the first case scenario there. The pavement here is always pretty rough, and I think it's the same case pretty much everywhere else, too (ok, I've only been to Sweden and it was the same there). However in Arabia I think they have to use some special asphalt because the sun would melt the kind of asphalt we use in Europe.

Explains a lot of these videos I've seen, like the one where they skate on their sandals from a speeding car.
Yeah true , try riding your bike like him on your garage's floor with slick tires !
We've got some sort of very slippery concrete here and if you lean forward enough you can do it aswell.
1:17 and 2:30 > all :D!
yeye, tell me first whom they cars they stole...
no offence ^^ i'm talking about the moslims.
trust me i know... i know lol
:DDDD that's what it is about !
Well, they still have like the highest rate of traffic accidents in the world methinks.
They forgot to show you the end where the car explodes and kills thousands of people :{D
It's epic how most of these cars are fully filled with arabs :DD
Looks like the roads are made of soap...
its only 4 years old xDD
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