Pirates Beta2 Released

image: pir2_lshot
The beta 2 version of the pirates map is finished and can be found here.

Last monday there was supposed to be a test cup with 6 teams for a 5vs5 battle. Unfortunately this cup was cancelled due to lack of interest. I for one - but I think this goes for all 4 mappers- was very disappointed by this news.

This test cup could have been the perfect opportunity to see for ourselves how the new versions of our maps would actually play.

Also the lack of feedback for the new betas makes it harder for us to make improvements to our maps for the beta 3 versions. Although I must admit that for players to give feedback they must be able to play the maps with 10 peeps or more.... atm I haven't seen any server - except both of the tlr servers- hosting any of the current beta 2 maps....

Ah well, the show must go on: Pirates beta 3 will contain some minor changes. At the moment I feel that the second stage of the map is working well, so I will not make any major changes to those areas.

However I'm still not pleased with the first stage. In particular the allied spawn at the beach feels very awkward. I'm not sure how to solve this, but I'll figure something out... I always do :)

I'm planning to have a mapping session this weekend.
image: commandmap_b2

Fucking nice! :D
go on working on it, so far it´s rly nice!
I think this was suggested in someone else's feedback but something like this may help the first phase:


- add a hill or "high" open route to the left side of the map (similar to supply) and make it so you can TJ a gap into that turret/tower.

- Or add an extra dynamite point on the wall (similar to Beach).
It seems that with the gate, the tunnel and the broken wall (dunno if anything changed for the past 2 weeks or so) that stage seems too easy for allies.
pc fucked up now so can't test this :'(
@PeterGriffin/DuPPy (or whoever is the creator... wuuuuut is thissss my mind is not straight today... too tired):
1) Great work on the map! Kudos to you! :)
2) Saw the map on some etpro public, but I think it was still the 1st. version, some decent games thou a cup would be best to test this shit.
3) There was/is a wall bug near the ship that would let you see allies coming from the old cp area.

BRB Editing pic so u know wat I mean. Will post screens in the evening if needed :)

E. Pic is, standing in red dot area would let you see (more or less) the pink marked area.

image: commandmapb2
its not his map ;)
How did I get DuPPy in there... :S
E. Who is? :DD
Im not developer of map,Im just news giver.
The orginal map maker is Firefly,you can check his profile at SplashDamage: http://www.splashdamage.com/forums/member.php?u=2704
thanks, is he gonna check this post or is it best to send him a message or whut? :)
Already sended message to him about it:)
Cheers! :)
Thank you trick for mentioning that bug and posting the picture. atm I'm almost finished with the beta3 version, there are still some minor things I need to change. I'll try to post some info this evening on my website.
Quote- Accuracy of mg42 was 100%, changed it to 85%
- added 2 more ladders for players exiting the water near the pirate ship
- Main Entrance to the fort is now wider
- Removed one of the fort towers
- Allies will now spawn infront of the fort entrance behind a small hill
- Created a side entrance for Allies to get into the fort
- All roofs are now clipped- except for the church-
- The overal Size of the fort area ( first stage) has been reduced. So less distance to travel for Allies.
- The house containing the flag is now bigger, so are the doors of this house.
- after destroying the main entrance or side entrance allies can nolonger spawn at the beach
- axis teamdoors are removed after the entrances are destroyed
- moved the command post to where the escape truck was.
- moved the escape truck to a new area near the -old- command post
- Allies now have a second spawn when they construct the command post ( similar like radar)
- ammo & health crates removed
- removed some crates near the pirate ship
- moved the pirateship 512 units away from axis spawn.
- Spawntimes are now 20 secs for Allies, 25 secs for Axis.

Nice :)
really good looking map!

e: but please change that banner :/
this should be much better then the previous version which was easy fh
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