Forfeit for insulting?

Imo is fking ridiculous to get forfeit only for talking with an admin. Different pov will end with lose against team u beat without any problems. It's just unfair. WP Goldorak
if u dont give them the slac guid ss, what the fuck are u whining then?
I know that's our bad but it's not point of this journal.
My point is why they forfeit match only for talk.
From the other hand - what if opponents don't have slac guids too? It should be double forfeit or our win.
Quote by Goldoraklol watch out to your behaviour plz, really watch out because you got already 2 yellow and 2 yellow = 1 red so forfeit. more clear now ?

image: trololo
same in rl games
You didn't have SLAC ID SS and you told an admin to stick the yellow card up his ass.

you're lucky it's only a forfeit
QuoteYou know where you can put this yellow card.

Thats your imagination, typical for admins.
yeah, nerd admins that dont do anything are mad quickly
true! hows life in veenendaal? :p
gangstar as it always was, nice sunny day tho
He never said to an admin he should stick the card up his ass, the opponent team could have taken the ss aswell and just share it instead.
QuoteYou know where you can put this yellow card.

That's really how you talk to a person in an influental position who you are also trying to ask favours from.
That's how I talk with people who do problems with anything.
Alright. I'm sure you'll go far in life.
It's just last league of OC that's why I don't care what I'm talking about.
Then why are you whining of it in the first place?
Because I don't like when someone try to cheat on me.
but nobody did?

first of all, you dont have slac ss, for the SECOND time. Then you offend an admin?

you have broken 2 rules, nobody is cheating here.
Right, this is the reason to exclude us from league but not to give a walkover in match which we already won without breaking rules.
did you take the slac screenshots?

no you did not. you did not follow the rules, you don't deserve a win.

this happened for a second time already.
completely agree
"who do problems" - wait what ?
nothing new
Yeah well then don't be surprised about this.
haha,goldorak. he once forfeited us playoff match just because we werent on that silly irc channel.
it's in the rules tbh
I know,but still,wasnt really necessary. when all players are ready to play,you get forfeit for not being on irc channel. doesnt seem right imo.
tbh that insulting admin leads to yellow card is written in rules also, so we dont really have anything to talk about in here.
1. You showed up 10 minutes after the time designated for the game after which our team left

2. We would've rolled you anyways as we did this year

3. Why the fuck do you still complain about it?

1.we all were ready, all you had to do was to be slightly iniciative and be avi - we were searching for you till we realized about irc channel. similar stuff hapend we vs highbot, where admin - not even play offs, just groups - didnt want to forfeit even when they came late to channel and werent ready even after 20 minutes after start.

2. This year? You mean last year when we played with very different LU + had to get merc because we were just 4 that day? probably you should get your facts stright first.

3. I didnt complain about it. This is journal about blaming admins, especially goldorak, and I couldnt resist to write this - because his decision was unfair in my eyes.
Zajebiscie zalatwiles kokia.
gdyby nie ja to wynik w ogole nie bylby zatwierdzony, a tak to chociaz wiemy na czym stoimy sciero
Mogles juz sie nie wyklocac i zostac przy tej zoltej :<
casual stuff for goldorack
and people wonder why I hate being polish sometimes...
jak ci nie pasuje to zmien obywatelstwo

go /wrist now
You were in good way to win OC div.6, it's sad you're out :(
Btw you're not out for insulting, just cause of 2 yellow cards.
You're an idiot. They need to give you a 3 month ban.
siema leszczu
As if complaining like a butthurt bitch is going to get you any far with admins
Simple rules to follow and you can't follow them.
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