teh weekEND

ur plans for teh awesome sunny weekend ahead biatches ?
going to gain some money and giving it to portugal
ET, ET and ET
Yesterday i was "WANDERN" 15 hours beer beer beer :D
today im on a party
tomorrow i will chill around
sunday i have a footballmatch and later i will drive back to my studyplace (350 km) :x
Yesterday i was "WANDERN" 15 hours beer beer beer :D
today im on a party
tomorrow i will chill around
sunday i have a footballmatch and later i will drive back to my studyplace (350 km) :x
The normal drill, bbq & beer & sauna. Just saw my army-mate, he invited me to his new house tomorrow to have bbs & discuss about job-offer that he has to me.

image: normal_822051229
Fuck bitches
Get money
definition of a male pornstar, I guess. :p
That's how I roll.
hoping that i wont have to go back to the base.

chilling .
I'm gonna watch the MLG Columbus stream all weekend and if that one fails I'll be checking out some eagles I guess.
Actually, sex
Staying indoors and playing games like a devil
Bbq , nightclub @ quennie, queen, swimming pool ... drink, drink, drink and smoke some weed!
Visiting friends at uni, seeing maya Jane coles at back to basics, gonna meet baggiez for a few drinks in about 30 mins too
hf with alan
kill him please
party motherfuckerz
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reading books for my oral exam in german :XD
Yah I'm a nerd.
u guys so excited bout the temp those are just a regular day over here...
Isn't your country overrun by koreans?

sunny days
sweden vs portugal
suit up score chicks be awesome
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