SC2 fail

>buy SC2 due to general interest

>never played a RTS multiplayer be4

>playing 10 non ranked games with blocked gates in order to get a feel 4 the game

>8/10 lost , mostly surrender becoz the games are getting way to long

>raging hard about the rookie map as you cant put early pressure and stuff

>skipping the rest of the 40 practice games

>you have to do 5 games to get a ranking so you can play in bronze,silver,gold,diamond or plantin ladder ... your rank is obviously based on your matchresults

>happyface.jpg ill suck anyways and play wither other lowbobs in the bronze ladder

>1match .... open chatbox ..."HF brah" ... enemy surrender

> lolwut.jpg

> next couple of match -> same shit going on

> doing the same on the last match

> "congratz player , welcome to the silver ladder"


> play 5 games with Zerg and Protoss

> worst possible macro and micro

> getting rushed

> surrender , surrender , surrender , surrender , surrender

> sadface

(did play alot of AI matches be4 to get a feel wat each race can do and what cant also some customs with a Diamond ranked friend + watching hours of streams (mostly day9 and sheth))

TL;DR: ensam sucks cocks

What do ? :<

image: be5kg

image: i4QS3
just keep playing, if your really a total noob you will get demoted to Bronze soon and bee fine :)

Match Making Raking is actually quite good in SC2.... just needs a few more games (around 50 maybe) to get your actual skill level
so i have to loose 40 more games till i can have some fun ?
no ofc not :)
you are ruining the life of innocent people by giving them advice to ... ruin their life! or something... ARR!
learn how to cheese
start the game
learn how to play
>learning by doing right ?
learn to fucking play you fucking faggot
learn how to jizz
better random girl then the game
no ,i suck at ET aswell.
watch all of day9s newbie tuesdays
had enough after 2 hours , he is like 24/7 on acid without being on acid
Cella <3 ;D
u cant expect being good from the start
just play alot & watch some video's on what to do
i was still bronze in the first season, now im silver :)
iam not expecting that ... fuck i want to play in bronze ... but ppl insta surrender on my placementmatches which made me fkin silver ... and now i have to deal with it -> 8-11 times lost in a row is not really motivating
it should be motivation to play more & win some games :p
If you're not having any fun then just try another game and come back to playing SC2 when you feel like it again. No point in forcing something on yourself that you don't like.
had pretty much the same tho i didnt win a placement match at all and was bronze right away, went 0 - 30 after i started to understand a bit, 3-4 more months later i was on diamond
You now know enough to enjoy SC2 pro-games, go watch the MLG and the GSL.
well streams made me buy the game in the first place , already watching more than iam playing actually
So am I, watching SC2 is ridiculously awesome
kinda sad tough that when iam trying to get something going iam getting fked so hard since i cant keep my macro organized and always fall behind on economy -.-

but yeah FXOSheth is so fkin amazing to watch since his commentary is also quite helpful
team games ?
do cannon rush, dt rush, zealot rush with 4 gates at the beginning without getting gas or if you want to be completely nooby go mass void ray xD works every time.
Cheese or get cheesed
exactly :D on a more serious note, a decent build for protoss is

9 pylon
12 gateway
14 gas
16 pylon
18 core
19 zealot
23 pylon
24 stalker
25 warp research
27 gateway
28 sentry
30 gateway x2
31 proxy pylon

then just keep the pressure flowing
ah yes u learn the most from cheesing...
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