4/3 prob

yo cf.

Since I tried Anderson's brink cfg, I got a prob.

Well, I was playing with r_mode 3 in fullscreen and everything was good. The game took all my screen.
But now, I have 2 black stick on both side of the screen, automatocaly resizing the game in 4/3.

Itried thiese commands:

r_aspectratio 2


r_customaspectratioh 16
r_customaspectratioh 10
r_aspectratio -1

searched in my gfx properties for the scalling and it's fullscreen.

Any idea?

Random website with random gilrz
What game?
Apparently he tried Anderson's brink cfg so I would assume Brink?
Skipped the 'brink' part. :/
usually it's in the screen settings, so go to ur panel on ur monitor and search for a function.. it has wide or auto setting on my screen, wide spans 4:3 for me and auto gives the black bars..
Why would you want to play with such a stretched resolution when you could just throw in any 16:10 resolution, eg. 1024x640 or 1280x800?
50 fps with r_mode 3
20 fps with r_mode 6
9 fps with r_mode 14
And exactly how does that mean you should use a 4:3 resolution on a 16:10 monitor?

r_mode -1, r_customwidth 768, r_customheight 480, r_aspectratio 2
hope that helps.
tested but didn't work :[
Thx for your help anyway
c'est parce que t'es un noob
Format C

nvidia videocard ?
jai aussi des ptites barres noir autour de l ecran de jeu dude, cant do shit
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