
No. Episode Air Date

36 John Doe 1/22/2007

We have to wait 2 months for the next episode :<
orly? plz -.-
shalalala ! shalalala ! raptatatataaaa
OMG al7 now u fucked :P

al7 is teh reeeeeeal shit
Old, and afaik 22th january it will be a summary of everything we saw till 13, so the next episode will be 29th jan 2007 :)
Watch Heroes :D
um heroes gets into xmas break, too
11 Fallout 12/4/2006
12 Godsend 1/22/2007
same as with lost ://///

but i have heroes and criminal minds now. :D
tbh same is @ lost.
Is heard some rumours that there's going to come a 3rd season is that true?
Yep, that wil be the last season.
Season 1 ist just finished @ Belgian TV

lies, new episode is 29-01 22-01 is complication of first 13 episode afaik
al7 ge zit niemeer op irc :(
kweet :( ik ben tog gestopt dus maakt ni meer uit :d
The great news is that Rome will start ib January :d
first lost now's full of crap! ..fuckers
We really have to wait that long for the next episode? :x
yep, it sux doesnt it :(
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