Where to?

Where would you like to go on holiday this year.
I have picked a couple of interesting locations which I think are somehow special.

1.Algrave, Portugal

The Algarve is a popular destination for tourism, primarily because of its beaches, Mediterranean climate, safety, cuisine and relatively low costs.

image: Algarve%20Portugal%201152141398

2.Hammamet, Tunisia

It might be dangerous to stay there nowadays coz of Lebanese who are emigrating there.

image: 800px-Hammamet_Medina


No need to describe it.

image: 446_1

Or any other destinations?

image: rodrigue_ile_aux_chats

Island Mauritius <3
i was in hammamet and what i can say is that is shit city with worst beaches and ppl there. Didnt like it
Tunisia is a nice place
my top vacations so far:

1) Morroco => is really nice with a jeep ( city + desert)
2)New York => very busy but nice shopping
3) Cuba => really nice there but watch @ airport (dont bring ur laptop/ Iphone)
4)Sweden => nice nature + camping is allowed EVERYWHERE
5) Berlin => nice clubbing (top notch techno clubs)
Ofc camping is allowed everywhere.

How can it be any other way around :D
if ur camping in belgium in a random forest => police will give u a ticket

that's what i ment :D

in Sweden => u can chooz
That's not a big news that you can camp everywhere :D:D

Only in retarded Belgium or NL or some other idiotic country it isnt allowed :D
believe me , for Belgian dudes it is big news :) => when u see pictures of swedish nature parks :)
Look Estonia, mate :)
I'm going to Tenerife this year :).
I'm also going to Antwerp with my girlfriend for a weekend and probably to Berlin for a long weekend.
Algarve: been there (at that beach you posted). good stuff but not much to do besides beach.

Tunisia: i wouldn't go there if somebody gave me money (nuke africa already)

Cuba: if i could, i would instantly go there...
1. bacause

- not the portuguese ones but foreign beautys that come here also on holydays, those are indeed holy days

the other reasons u already know
image: bahamas

The Bahamas
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