is brink any good?

i didnt like etqw and wolfenstein, i dont think those two came even close to et, not to mention rtcw.
i dont follow crossfire much lately so i dont know what people think about the game so write me down your oppinions, tell me if its worth buying and tell me is there some demo version which i could try out online before i actually spit some cash out.
btw does it run good on machine with following specs: i5-760, 4gb ram, 5850 or i5-750, 4gb ram, 460gtx golden sample?
i is too lazy to google
etqw was pretty close to et if you played etqwpro imo.

download skidrow version if you want to try, you can also download the patches from skidrow.
I just wonder why ETQW died so fast. You have any ideas?
SDK too late + most of the 'pro' scene was already gone when etqwpro came out
Everyone who hasnt played it whines about it. Most whom have played it like it, though I wouldnt compare it to ET and I am sure that it wont be as good ever. But it is even now fun way to spend hour or two every now and then. First updates have fixed some problems.

DL the "Brink SKIDROW" and try with that, though it lags more since it isnt updated.

EDIT: Some say that it will run better with nvidia-cards, I havent had any problems with 5830. Otherwise yes, it will run good with those parts.
there are patches from skidrow as well.
Ah, havent noticed / cared to look into it.
I havent played it but it's shit
For me Brink has been a good game. On my very first try I decided that I will only play brink and quit ET because Brink have some same features like ET have. For example reviving is very similar to ET, combat fighting and objectives. I recommend you to try Brink =) Graphics are nice.
The things you mentioned being similar to ET are as far away as they can from ET without not existing at all.
QuoteFor example reviving is very similar to ET, combat fighting and objectives

Have you ever played Brink?
cant you read my primary messege or are you just trolling to me? those thinks are my own views and opinions about brink.
Competitive wise the game has potential with a proper mod and weapon and ability restriction but instead of releasing a SDK those greasy bastards decided to release some shitty DLC first that gives you new fancy weapons and shit.

Game is dead and it is ids fault.
Id? I guess you mean splashdamage?
yep, I have no idea and I don't really care who's in charge of that :D
yea its splashdamage - they dont really have a good history of releasing games (ET unfinished, ETQW SDK way too late, Brink .. SDK prolly going to be too late as well)
Lazy basterds, they should have released the SDK one week after release or something, but they just don't care..
no those specs are too shit, you wont even be able to run et properly with those
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