Geography Question

First : Insolation & Radiation.

I don't quite understand the concept of insolation and radiation ( temperature on earth ).
Why does a surface that doesn't absorb that much solar energy ges hotter than a surface that absorbs more solar energy ? My books say that a surface that reflects more solar energy has a bigger temperature than a surface that practically doesn't reflect any solar energy at all. By bigger temperature I mean it produces more infrared heat waves or sth. Also, it says the tropical parts of the earth have more insolation than radiation and the rest more radiation than insolation, don't quite get that part as well. Makes it all quite confusing for me :(

2nd thing is Pressure Changing

Why does the air flow from a low pressure area to a high pressure area ? And why does wind flow from a high pressure area to a low pressure area ?

Never quite payed that much attention, so my understanding about it isn't that big as a result and I'd be happy if somebody could clarify all of this to me !
Studying geography, but rly can't be bothered to be engaged with it after 8h of uni.
QuoteInsolation is a measure of solar radiation energy received on a given surface area in a given time.
I don't believe the Earth's surface radiates or 'has radiation'.

Low pressure means that there is less air in the area and since nature always wants balance air will travel from high pressure area's to low pressure area's. Wind doesn't flow.

In other news: Stop trolling.
all matter has radiation
It does but the radiation of the earth's surface is not something that generally relates to how much insolation it has. I also think that it is usually neglected.
from a chemist point of view, those statements are all absurd and wrong
that's my point, I'm not getting it ( fucked up teacher and book )
image: YKFOv

O <- sun

###### <- clouds
|||||||||||| <- heat waves from sun

________ <-surface

heat stays inside becuz cant escape
Its maybe something like : u'll get a sunburn faster when u are in the sea than when u're on the road, tho a road absorbs much more heat(u can let ur finger in the water, not on a road when its very nice weather :D) than water (well its special since its spread on a huge mass) but there is reflection on water.
I guess air pressure is the same principle as Osmosis and Diffusion?

Osmosis, where water moves from an area of high water potential (solute concentration) to an area of low water potential through a semi-permeable membrane.

And diffusion where molecules move from high concentration to low concentration.

Think about a tin can, if you fill it with air and increase the pressure inside, it wants to get out to where the pressure is lower, so the top would pop off and the air would rush out to the lower pressure to equalize it. In the case of Osmosis, think of the lid of the can as the membrane.

Maybe something like this, for the other question idk
Ask your teacher. If he or she can't make it clear for you just fuck it.
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