Offigial gayming 2night

Need an opponent for 5on5 official clanbase Enemy Terror 5on5 Stopwatch ladder match.

Our map will be sw_Goldrush_te, yours will be Supply/Adler/Radar.

Professional gaming club KESKUS RIKOS POLIISI's loosing spree is going wild:

Our lineup will prolly be something close to this:
FinlandBLINDI aka Reinhard Heydrich, SS-general
FinlandENSAM aka Adolf Hitler, Commander of the Third Reich
FinlandVANHAOMENA aka Josef Mengele, The Angel Of Death
FinlandMANA aka Alfred Jodl, military commander
FinlandALTSI aka Felix Steiner, commander of the SS-panzer squads

20:00 cet because we have _real mans work_ early in zeh morning
We can discuss about the time thou

msg bliNdieRi` or mana` @ for more infos and all the basic shit u know.

image: DBj8D
gl team [SS]
what happened to glory days of KRP #1 LADDERPOCAL?!?!!?
Muumipeikko :D
ensam is not adolf material
Can't you see the resemblance?

image: bldjmobahzky61ww8
which edition is that card from
The template looks like from my cards which I did about some tA-players
basic red
turpa kii rilli pää sut on juostu 8DDDD
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