2012 is near!

have seen that, Area 51 call was the scariest
lulz ufos. Maybe we are in front of them in technology and stuff, maybe they just discovered a flying machine. Can't be sure!
nice video dude
[img|left]http://www.crossfire.nu/images/bdot.gif[/img]image: bdot
some rich guy fucking with the world, king of trolls
Did you even watch the video..
i did, now im going bananas
I hope you know that those news shows reporting on that shit are not very reliable :)

Also I can make you an ufo video with 2 hours in after effects
if that area 51 call wasnt a fake or anything, this shit is scary as hell.
"That's an UFO if I've ever seen one, that's undeniable!"
Ha ha ha oh wow
that phonecall was indeed fucking scary
fuck man, u scared me for a moment..
some nerd will proof that those videos are fake
nice to hear by Alien ":D"
I love the thought of Aliens trolling our silly little planet scaring the poor little humans haha
I dunno why but i believe in intelligent alien life , that have visited us for thousands of years and maby helped us(TV show ancient aliens).But not these gray things(they seem evil and fake)
I want to believe.

I really do! :( would be cool and stuff.

prolly some CERN experimentZ and usa goverment!
Grey aliens come and give me Wolf:ET power aim skill to kill you in game!!:D
But yeah,if I get little older,I go hunt and I wanna see UFO,then I make pictures and get rich.
you dont need much skill to beat me :(
Yeah,well,I have never met you in ET:O
So don´t know:p
lol at the guy at the phone XD guess he escaped somewhere :DDDD
From Area 51:D
It could be cal to ride with UFO to another living planets.
as soon as chuck norris dies

thats what they waitin for peeps
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