Internet Disconnect.


I am having this problem for a long time and I have no idea why. My internet goes offline for 5-6 secs every 20-25 minutes (sometimes even more often). Control Panel > Internet Connections doesn't show me if it goes offline, I just can't load any page and every server I ping during this time is 999 for me, I get lagged out while playing etc. What can cause this problem?
I have a router, and it's routing to 4 different PC's still I have the same problem when I don't have router enabled.

Any suggestions?
I didnt quite understand.
Do you get the problem on all 4 PCs?
so you can already backtrack the problem to everything but the computers.
that is in fact a good thing cause if it had been a PC problem the possible combination of issues problems would have been infinite..

so you said that the problem is present even without the router, so it cant be the router either.
have you tried to reset (unplug for more than 10sec) the modem?
if not do that.
if you did call your ISP and in order to avoid hours and hours of incompetent blablabla try to ask specifically for a port reset. at home (my parents place in GER) i have to do that monthly cause the connection is so ungerman.
if that doesnt help either it has to be a broken modem and you will have to ask your ISP to send you a new one, that would be a worst case scenario cause all the other possibilities can be handled/fixed in about an hour (depending on the ISPs speed to reset).
thanks for the ideas, i only tried to reset my modem not the other things.
will try it tomorrow.
try it first and given it works thank me later ;)
change port
your internet is broken (no troll intented) - try calling your ISP and ask them to check your connection line.
you shoot too many headshots >C
Mine drops every so often, too. Router's fine and I have tried it with a plenty of other routers too, so I've been spending lots of quality time on the ISP customer support line in the past few months, only managing to get them do something as of late. They haven't officially fixed it yet, but it hasn't dropped for a couple of days either, so I can only hope.
3rd world
I have that once every day. Call your provider :p
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