Movies in need;)

Need a nice movie. I'm not really into horror/anime crap, rest is fine.

Has anyone seen 'never back down'? Have it in some folder, but never watched it because it looks boring.

edit: how about inside man, any good?
it ain't that bad tbh, it's a typical american highschool movie though combined with some fighting
hanna,paul,the priest.last 3 new movies i watched
company men
its awesome movie, i recommend it
+1 Also like it a lot :)
downloaded yesterday some

The next three days
The Green Hornet
The Hit List

Never back down is decent
can you let me know how good The Green Hornet is once you've watched it please?:D
idk when im going to watch it

The next three days was decent tho
I thought it was decent =) some nice stuff and funny with seth rogen
I enjoyed it. Nothing special, but decent and enjoyable imo :)
it was actually very good :D
never back down is sick

hangover part ii
the mechanic
fast & furious 5
only cams available which is pretty shit Q
I watched the first 2 at the cinemas and f&f5 on a DVD :P
f5 ondvd? cant be
DVD isnt out yet :D
not even pirate is out lol. Then I could download it haha :Dd

Best quality out there is TS. Not even r5 is out.

well my father's friend done it for me, dno how .. picture is half decent, watchable to say the least
saw 2 of those in the cinema already give new movies plz
never back down is awsome movie, not boring tbh

good movie is : kill the irishmen
I actually enjoyed that movie but like wout said typicial american movie
Man on Fire, Lucky Number Selvin, Training Day, Your Highness, Taken

Never Back Down is fine, childish but fine.
that's why I didn't watch it yet, the childish part
Anders ga je een baan zoeken, maar never back down is een goede film! wel typisch Amerikaans
Nou toevallig zou ik gister een mailtje moeten krijgen voor werk, alleen niet gekregen:( Maar als het goed is krijg ik hem vandaag
Clock work orgy
Limitless - new, cool movie
I was 'exam' yesterday. I liked it, but it's not a usual kind of movie.

Lucky Number Slevin
The Mechanic
limitless, unknown, the mechanic, hall pass
hoe si the mechanic? kheb m wel al tijdje op mn pc staan, is ie vet?
the town!!
Donnie Darko, Primal Fear, any movie with Johnny Depp / Edward Norton / Christian Bale
never back down is ok movie
Inside man is awesome.
anime is not crap
never back down is cool :)
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