alternate sens trick?

Is there any other way to find your sensitivity other than raziel's mg trick?
move your mouse left and right
what if they on a hill and you're below?
medic train ftw
turn your mouse for 90 degrees and move it left and right
Crazy question...Just try a bit around. And stay on the sensitivity you feel the best.
try to make so that your whole mousepad equals a 360° turn
got a 50cm mousepad :(
and I'm no bodybuilder
try to get it as low as you can while still feeling comfortable in making quick movements. I use sens 0.6 atm.
0.7 ftw
sol_aim 1
taLa is right; or you could copy the sens from mystics CFG, divide it by the nr of letters in your favorite clan, multiply it by your age divided by a random(!) prime number, and adding your avg ping quadrupled by the squareroot of your the RAM.
that gives me a 110 sens lol xDD
I like you...
rofl. lets see..

according to jetros config collection mystics sens is

divided by the number of letters from my favourite clan (cdap pi) this would give

multiplied by my age divided by 3 (15/3 = 5) would give 3.23697741083333333333

adding my average ping quadrupled by the squareroot of my ram would give me a sens of ~ 127
omfg jij bent echt slim :<
Allthough I can make a tight 360 on my large Qpad, I still think it's better to have a higher sens and just practice. For example Butchji can do a 360 in ~25 cm. That's twice my mousespeed but he pwns me ofc. Just by practicing and having the feeling/skill to get there. NOT EVERYBODY CAN GET @ HIGHSKILL LEVEL, YOU NEED THE GIFT CALLED EYE-HAND COORDINATION.
just my oppinion ofc.. I'm not the guru. But see how (for example) socrates plays Quake, with that small ALLSOP mat and his microsoft mouse @ highsens. That's fuckin skill. Low sens will never give you the freedom to make fast paced 360+ actions (killing enemy reviving m8 quickly and kill some more enemy etc.. Only if your wallhacking you can play low sens and pwn in chaotic fights. Practice high sens for a year or more and you can play every fps game @ high sens imo.

btw strafing to the left = moving mouse to the right. strafing to the right = moving mouse to the left. That's the easiest way to control highsens. Get it in your head so it's natural. Friction is prolly your worst enemy. Low sensers can play with friction like cloth mousepads give you. Highsensers need smooth low friction surfaces imo.

what a story... give me your oppinion too if you read this. It's a interesting subject for medskilled gamers who want to improve.
I agree with you.

+ A very low mousaccel can make ur low sens higher, just need to find the best. example: sens 0.6 accel 0.01
i use pretty highsens myself too (30cm = 360 degrees). i agree with most of your points except that highsensers shouldn't play cloth mats ;) i use a cloth mat myself atm, and it plays really good and smooth, but maybe that also depends on the mouse you're using.

also when i aim crouched i aim better with highsens, but thats just me. and this

Quotestrafing to the left = moving mouse to the right. strafing to the right = moving mouse to the left

is pretty hard to master imo, if you want to do it consistently you really have to think about it all the time which gives you less energy to think about more things at the same time, such as enemies moving around you and your teammates talking in vent at the same time.

that's why you should just go with an aiming method you find comfortable and then adjust your sens until you think: hey, this sens gives me some ownage headshots/high acc/whatever.

Also not playing the same game all the time (in this case ET) but playing some other games too helps you to calm down from time to time. ET gets boring after a few hours of playing imo, and then most of the time i either call it a day or play another game such as quake3 or something. you also get better reflexes from that.

furthermore your reaction speed influences the quickness of your tracking and that improves your precision. tests such as determine your speed of reaction and is a nice way to improve your reflex in case youre suddenly surprised by an enemy who u didnt expect.

minigames like reflex in Raziel's guide improve your eye-hand coordination a bit too but remember you use your windows sensitivity then and not your ingame one :P

hmm, that's all i can think about at the moment. the rest is just exercise and jumping around with different values. but i still think high/medsens > lowsens, just because you have to put less pressure in aiming.
Quote...but remember you use your windows sensitivity then and not your ingame one :P

So true :)
My windows sens.: 3cm = 1 screen from left to right (or arround)
ET snes.: 40cm (i think) = 270°
Nice reply m8, I appreciate it.
Quote ... in case youre suddenly surprised by an enemy who u didnt expect.

Like you are ever surprised by an enemy :)
Yes, I am, if for once some people actually walk slowly
I wouldn't compare Quake and ET here tbh. In quake you spam. You strafe around bounce n shit and you have to turn very fast, but on the other hand you don't need to hit HS, you just want to hit him somewhere. ET is different story, you're always going for headshot (at least most of us are) so you need to be able to track with higher precision. And unlike in Quake most of fights happen higher distance. I can't handle someone running around me in circles, but he probably won't be able to kill me on long distance. And there's prediction skill too (not wallhack), which helps you with aiming simply by knowing where to aim before you jump out of corner - you can be wrong of course but if you'll probably be very close to your enemy with xhair (+-30°) which is not so hard to handle. If you're omgleet rambo than you need quake sens.
I have no problems with reviving ppl too. I guess noone needs to turn 360° ingame at any given time (there may be some exceptions), if you're able to tun 180° by moving your mouse from center of your mousepad to the edge you can cower complete circle (if you only turn clockwise than you're fucked;).
I can personally make around 270° on icemat2 and that suits me. My sensitivity enables me to 'micro' xhair by not moving hand but only wrist or fingers holding the mouse and than fast turns by swinging arm around, which i find good.

To sum things up: You have to find sensitivity that suits your mouse, mousepad, eye/hand coordination and gamestyle. That tracking thingy with mg is very good indeed, but you won't be fighting always at the same distance so it's not perfect. It's stupid to calibrate sensitvity more than to XX.X (ex: 1.337 <-useless) and ofcourse like TsK said, you have to be geek.

To sum sum up: read perforator's (first) post and you'll get the general idea how much others can help you.
Thanks for the feedback man, very nice how you describe the issue of aiming.
btw in the past I used the same gear you have, mx510 + icemat2nd, but my mousefeet where gone pretty fast (Icemat just eats them). Don't you have this trouble?
I bought some sliders with my icemat, i think they were actually called icemat sliders :) and put them over stock ones. Now after 1.5y i bought new sliders (S&S padsurfers) and replaced old ones.
So yes, you have to change sliders but few € per year won't make you hungry or anything.
ah nice, the teflon tape which came with the icemat, I had to change m after 2 days :s So I ran out of tape quick and started to play with bare foots. They were gone pretty fast and now I use the glidz which came with the Qpad :D. S&S padsurfers are next to try, thnx man :)
like ask "What color the best?"
i adjust my sens the way i can make the most accurate 180 turn
sounds good
20cm = 180°
Its abit hard to look at each peoples sens and knowing what works for you. Dont forget, people here use different DPI's and well as sensitivity. People could have a high sens and low dpi or vice versa.
He is asking for methods, not for settings xD
I was just responding to let him know not to just look at the people that have replyed with just numbers such as "0.7" or "5"
ah ok. The peepz who posted nr's are just trying to be funny or smth imo.
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