car music dude


i would like to get some new music to listen @ car

post what are you listening in yo car, mp3, favourite music etc :D

whatever genre, dont care

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In my car I listen to whatever & ever as long as it's ok, some examples : Queens of the stone age / Stan Van Samang / Bloody Beetroots / Scott D Davis / Metallica / Linkin Park ( Only minutes to midnight, the other don't feel "'right'" in the car) / etc ..
Quoteas long as it's ok,

QuoteStan Van Samang

Well, the music is ok, it's not bad nor is it excellent, only a narrow minded fool would disagree.
Just listen:::: New Kids - Turbo Eventho the song is quite shit its still amazing. :-DD HF

DJ Paul Estak

Blood, Sweat & Hardcore will hit dem chiks aswell
I once had a car but then I didn't have a car so I can't help you because of that what just happend which I said here before happened
bonobo. cures road rage.
Deadmau5 - Raise your wapen
listen to pop and hiphop mostly. (all i can sing and talk2 =))
for pop i use my radio for hiphop my ipod

fav at the moment in car :x
all about the beat
looks like not my taste 8D
depending on how your mood is in my opinion get something to connect your ipod to car, put on music for all your moods, it works
happy - (dude i cant remember) feat. cari golden
(if you are in a hurry, it makes you drive a bit more aggressively)
I'm not entirely convinced by that remix. Doesn't beat the original.

Another Du Hast remix worth mentioning:
it's called a radio!
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