Ultimate Brink guide by anderson

From config tweaks up to tricks like running fast with a heavy class, Anderson shares a wide range of tips and tricks, so go ahead and check it out.

ahh yes was waiting for this
Cool :)
E:How long he has play?2 days and writes guide?:D
it has been out for 1 month
Actually 27 days,still,whe he started playing it?d_b
finally i can start playing on a high level now thanks! awesome!
Imma be dutch :D

bevalt die gino-attitude je niet ofzo ?

jij bent toch niet beter dan fLEXICAN
klopt ik ben niet beter, maar veeel beter!
Cool, now I can join Dignitas as soon as I have my inet back :)
OMFG is he really using combat intuition ?

I'd expect him not buying such a lame ability tbf.

other than that , good guide for newcomers I guess ?
if everybody else is using that ability and he doesn't, why should he play handicapped then?
I don't have it , just out of principle.
"Any known glitches or bugs are prohibited and using them will result in the possibility of a forfeit loss. If you find any new bugs that aren’t yet recognised, then they please write about them in the match report. Any form of cheating or abusing the system is also banned, and will be treated like any other cheating case."

So I guess running fast with the heavy class aint allowed in officials. :{
Nope , those are just basic game mechanics and thus no bug or glitch ;)
that's what they said about giving chargebar to other players in ET and look what happened :)
There's a thin line between a glitch and an unintended feature. Take trickjumping in Q3 and ET for instance.
Yes, but the prerequisites for this trick jumps it into the category where things like CoD4 bug plant was.

My bet is that it will be corrected in the next few patches anyway.
I hope so too + I really do hope that they fix the bug in the demo recording function so that we can finally start to record something ! FML
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