To all the trickjumpers out there

Hey, wanted to share this .
i know it has been on CF already, but i happened to watch it again after long time and i have no words to describe this, it's simply amazing.
I have never understood the attraction of gamma-jumps (or what those things are), whats in it?
its loads of fun to learn how to control your speed and direction in the air. Always a nice challenge that takes hundreds of attempts to get right. I trickjumped for years, havent followed the newest maps for years now, but it was loads of fun back in the day :) I do prefer customjumps over gamma though.
exactly what jezix said. i'm not anything special yet though, struggling with makemejump_b3 gammas, first one is easy but others are difficult for me so far. besides you can use your jumping skills on wars too.
edit: if you're a good jumper and you're so awesome to give me some tips n stuff, then pm me :)))))
Sure you could use them, maybe. But I just cant imagine myself sitting hours and hours on PC alone playing a single-player game about jumping.
I can't imagine myself too....

actually you for sure use them, for obj running, supply jumps whatever. u can do any of them with decent jumping skills. and yea.. some people just don't understand the magic of trickjumping. watching/doing all the smooth strafes and stuff is like really addicting tbh. :P maybe you'll understand it if you play a little and watch other good players do their magic.
I'd say you don't get much out of gammas in wars, you need to do originals
gammas are just to get ur strafes better.. so you obviously need to do it too
Nearly five and a half minutes without messing up...nice.
Th|Trickjump clan :

i c wut u did ther
Unfortunately, this video is not available in Germany because it may contain music for which GEMA has not granted the respective music rights.
nothing is allowed in Germany why do you guys always post this shit when youtube videos are blocked =S
In the hopes that someone comes up with an alternative (like paRa below) or at least says what the video was. youtube doesn't show any title when it blocks a video.
I get it then, would have thought most people getting youtube blocked would know of the unblocker sites already though ;O
Meh and it's a bit being pissed off that the link doesn't work. I'm German and therefor whiny by nature. :p
I wanna be like Ice when i grow up :(
eT|f3mm3 rolls u all

Too bad AP is dieing, was fun
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