fail journal is fail

After reading hangover journal im proud to say that mr.maelstrom aka kankersynthesis aka cheater with 999 nicks won kamz title wich is MOST HATED. Thxbb and fuck you kevin. FAIL JOURNAL IS FAIL
dude gtfo
u jelly tho?
who the hell are you to give him a title of "Most Hated" ?
who the hell are you to say to him who the hell are you to give him a title of most hated?
but then who the hell are you to say who the hell are you to say to him to say who the hell are you to give him the title of most hated?
this is too complex
but who the hell are you to say but then who the hell are you to say who the hell are you to say to him to say who the hell are you to give him the title of most hated?
he is THE squall obvious :)
makes no difference. Just because he can have more capitals in his name than the average CF user doesnt make him somebody in this world
Im the most hated moroccan.
package deal
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