How to Overclock ?

So i'd like to overclock my CPU from 2.83 to 3.4 if its possible (Intel Core 2 Quad Q9500) but i dont have any clue how to do that :D

well i guess u need some information bout my system but i dont know what u actually need so ill post all i know :D

Windows Vista Home Premium x64
Nvidia geforce GTX 275
MSI P45D3 Platinum

image: gamer-girl

Thx in advance ;)
why do you want to do that?
increase your fsb with 3 everytime then restart and do a stability test. If it fails add some vcore and voila.
uhm...what? O.o
nvm, you shouldn't overclock if you don't know what to do :)
wow ure really retarded, he's asking for help because he doesnt know how to overclock :D

And dont claim to be trolling now, just as 90% of the kids around here
your comment makes no sense. He should first do some research because he clearly didn't do any. If he doesn't know what Fsb or vcore is then its useless to help him.
Don't bother if you have no idea why or how to overclock. Saves you fucking things up and wasting money ^____@
get some decent cooler at first
got 3 aerocooler + 2 cpu cooler :o
is that enuff or should i get some waterthingy?
Watercooling will only make a difference in hot weather/humidity. Just go to - say Youngie1337 sent you, they'll give you exact bios changes.
You will have to click community at the top right in the nav bar. This is the forum section.

Ha ty :P...
they can't give him exact bios changes its different for every chip.
Based on the stepping and v. it will allow. Yes it's different for every chip.. manage to get 3 Q6600'S @ 3.4+.
my CPU is from the dinosaur age lol :D E4600 :D:D:
it depends on how it is efficient
for fun? your system should handle EVERYTHING on max no matter what
better keep your hands off that, if you dont have a clue of what youre doing...
just for your own safety :>
well i want to try it cause next month ill get my new AMD phenom black x6 + some Radeon HD gfx-card so i dont care fucking up my system ^^
well there are some tools you can google, which do stresstests and also allow you control over the clock...
so what you usually do is increasing the clock by really small steps and do stresstests to check for stability of your system.
there are good tutorials about that, shouldnt be a prob to google it.
well im googling for hours nao but i need my pc until july so im not sure if i should do it nao but i found some interesting things with FBS n stuff and i think nao i know how i could do it but i dont have any clue bout this multiplicator
and i saw some thread about increasing the tactrate to 400mHz and i was like wtf is this now
and then i gave up reading these threads :(
why are you getting a new system? can i buy yours :o
im getting one cause i got some money ^^ and well my system isnt that expensive so just buy it from some computer-page costs about 300-500€ :P
did you buy it? because yes it is expensive lol
ofc i bought it ^^
leave it or ... it will get broken :D
in your BIOS theres some tutos, if u dont understand something just ask. They're nice guys
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