Hello, I need some movies!


I have some spare time to spend because school is over for me and I start working on 15th of June so I need some movies to watch!
Preferably movies with score from 7 to 8 on IMDB, because I've seen most films from top 250 list.
Any genre!

Have a good evening!
Paul, had a 7,4 or smtn on IMDB, seen it yesterday and it was really funny
yeah...imdb ratings worth to follow


so how are imdb ratings bad?
gimme 5 examples of good movies with bad rating and/or bad movies with good rating please...
luckely IMDB is a good reference ...

image: 5558

All are great/good/decent.
saw 95% of ur list, thx tho
never take the imdb scores as a argument for watching a movie, you'll miss out on shitloads of good or watchable movies wich are 'just' rated 6 or even 5
alright, so name 5...
im sure your only coming up with shit..
movies dont need to be masterpieces to be enjoyable...
I personally think IMDB ratings are pretty good

don't have recommendations for you though, soz
Couples Retreat pretty awesome movie to watch with ur girlfriend or smth,
seen it a few days ago, kina "old" tough.

gonna watch this crap nao

saw Couples Retreat with my gf and it's very good idd.
just finished the adjustment bureau, surprisingly good - great motivational as well hehe
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