W:ET Map: Nightclub
13 Jun 2011, 14:12
i lold
Your journal body must be at least 40 characters long. You currently have 40 characters.
dl: http://www.rtcwmap.de/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=73&id=1987&func=fileinfo
I finally could say to my friends I was partying hard
be polite and say thank you waXx :P
Set then: com_hunkmegs 512
For instance; Hunk_AllocateTempMemory: failed on 54213588
Some (custom) maps need more memory than ET is configured to handle, so ET will close down and gives you this error message.
How to fix it?
Go to the main menu of ET (if you are ingame) or start up ET. Bring down the console and enter /com_hunkmegs 512. Reconnect and the problem should be fixe
10x better
u cant go to ladys room cause i will kill u then
maybe its good but hard to imagine that obj works well here coz the map is so tiny(?)
But i like :D