Did you know that 0% of players in the OC are called Splodge?
OC math journal
3 Dec 2006, 11:39
there are 295 teams playing oc, 51 of them are polish which makes them 17.288135% of the teams.
there is a total of 56 groups, which means 0.910714 polish team at each group.
bored at school out
there is a total of 56 groups, which means 0.910714 polish team at each group.
bored at school out
school @ sunday?
some people have school on sunday, yes
school on sunday, lolzz
bible school!
fo hackor
did you know i'm the only cheasy on clanbase?
Probably because the others know how to spell 'Cheesy'?
Did I made this mistake on purpose? How big is the chance that someone does?
You admitted yourself it was a mistake :D
No, I said it because sol said I made a mistake. Actually "cheaSy" is a danish brand, and voila
so there is only one bartichello as well
are you gibmundur?
vifta med haenderna
lol :x, school on sunday ? hf
next maths quiz for you! of them pol how many cheat! find out and get back to me