I seriously hope you guys dont do this

Quote playing ET competitively in 2011.

Quote Wasting your parents money to go to LAN

Quote eSports

Quote Doing a selfbust to quit ET

Quote Playing ET at summer

QuoteWatching ETTV

QuoteSearching for aza.cfg

QuotePlay "high" 3on3's

QuoteUsing fov 90 with low sens and crouching only

QuoteMake shit journals in Xfire day after day

QuotePlaying mixwars at weekends

QuotePlaying in Dignitas

QuoteMaking serious fragmovies with serious editing and shit content

QuoteMaking fragmovies with Fraps

QuoteIdling regularly at #3on3.et or #6on6.et

QuotePraccing regularly for offis

Quote Playing OC

Quote Playing EC

Quote Playing NC

QuoteContributing to "community"

Quote not filtering everything but ET-related news

QuoteLiking Brink

QuoteSupporting 5on5

QuotePlaying with Swanidius

QuotePlaying with h8m3

QuotePlaying with Almighty

QuotePlaying with europallos

QuoteKeeping a minimal buddylist to show everyone how cool you are

QuoteTrolling in Crossfire

QuoteUsing BNC

QuotePlaying mixwars vs a skill above med-

QuoteDisliking Frop

QuoteDisliking Baggiez

QuoteThinking gambit isnt the best troll in Xfire

QuoteThinking I have a godlike body like AlexL which I could show for everyone

I seriously hope you guys dont do this.

image: 400x
only #5 "Watching ETTV", but extremely rare
dude seriously. Who got more problems. You or a nerd...
I feel very sad for you for making this journal.
So I guess we wont see "last login today" from you this summer?

Or were those your plans for the summer?
Take a guess and surprise me!
Guessing is for fools. We both already know what you are going to do.
There is always an element of surprise which is exciting
QuoteUsing Costanza and Quote as greentext in CF.
QuoteQuoting without Costanza

image: 400x
QuoteExpecting everyone to troll CF with stupid memes.

image: 2k3g3k
QuoteHe thinks Im trolling

QuoteImplying you don't browse CF all summer and make fraps movies.

souds like Aggro
sounds like casek
Am I supposed to read all of this?
It's less than 100 words I think
It's around 130 actually, couldn't count precisely because I'm in a hurry. Cheers.
Counting words is easy with MS Excel or Word ;-)
both wrong its 168 words :P
What the fucking nerdy shit is this?
i only dislike Frop :S
Cheater says what?
played more lans than you had gf's :)
You're so clever and witty, it makes one wonder why you cheated in the first place.
cuz i was 10 when i started playing not 25 unlike you :)
Did your parents have any children that lived?
no they are all too busy deleting comments
slarti :)
Who are you quoting?
the fuck is this?!
QuoteThinking I have a godlike body like AlexL which I could show for everyone
QuoteSearching for aza.cfg

like a real man
the most mean the same, but guess ts good materal to fll the journal wth
i I, copy pasta np
QuotePlaying with Almighty

true dat
I occasionally browse xfire. Yes you heard me right, occasionally. And every mother fucking time I do browse this piece of shit site I see 4chan related garbage I thought died off 2 years ago. If any of you faggots can give me one good reason why you retards HAVE to post this shit outside of the shit hole you believe is your home, please let me know, because I'm not really seeing the point. Does this make you feel cool? Does this make you feel superior to the average internet user? I can't believe you faggots still haven't noticed you've been worshipping a dead board while raping its corpse into fucking oblivion, great fucking fun, aren't you the superior internet warrior. I pray for your disgusting existence to go back to the abomination you came from, I come here to read gaming news, not to see you idiots spout your moronic memes. Believe me, I have been trying my best to ignore it. I've been discussing your faggotry with several people and this is what I personally think of you. FUCK YOU.

Netherlands god of et
u gotta understand that for most of the kids posting that its rly new
so they think its cool, sometimes theres smthin funny or relativly new
but most of the stuff they post is pretty retarded
like the whole "trolling" thing, for them everythin is trolling

guess the cancer spread to cf

E: My personal opinion is that if you really get irritated by some people spreading some stupid memes over the internet, you are taking this shit too seriously. Why should you care lol
You forget to add
QuoteMake some useless journal on CF about things not to do
Was going to do the same.
-Playing mixwars at weekends

-Trolling in Crossfire

I do this.
:D:D u are so crazy
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