Gotta lose weight

Sup cf,

So i've been kinda fat all my life, im 1m73 @ 90 kg atm
& i'm sick of being fat, cuz i basicly have man boobs
so i feel rly uncomfortable when i walk around & stuff.
I did alot of sports when i was younger but i never rly lost weight,
i developed a fair amount of muscles because i did swimming in competition.

I should get around 17% body fat (i have no idea how much i have now) & then i can start working on my chest. At least thats what ive learned from a few video's so far, i guess ill need a diet.

I was wondering if some of you guys have gone though the same stuff
or have some tips for me or smthing.


image: susan-coffey-9

fuck off with that shit song
best comment ever
worst comment ever

decent track
does not matter what it is, every single track you like is utter shit.
doesnt take reading "UKF" or "Skrillex". Read "razah" and know its shit.
should be written down as a constant of the universe or something.
i see you care about my musictaste and comments :o)
cant recall ever replying to your comments but seeing that music actually matters to me i find it disturbing that you can be interested in "electronic music" and, even tho its such a broad field, be so wrong every single time.
be a real man like me and listen to yani
for some wierd reason whenever i see that guy beside at piano ( yani) i always think of francis.. :DD

i imagine he looks like that irl

E: watch this one too :D , watch all of it , pretty cool :DDD

i usually never listen to this real music stuff :D but i kinda admit that this is prety amazing ;O
francis looks like :
image: rxn1z
francis has no stash irl? :(((
You don't have a similar taste in music, considering I like many of the songs Razzah posts, not all but many
Eat a light meal every 2 hours and train 5 days a week for about 1,5 hours. Insta win.
Isn't it bad to workout 5 days a week. From what I've read, it better to workout monday, wednesday & friday so your muscles are able to rest.
not if you train different muscles/muscle groups, like chest on monday, legs tuesday, and then repeat etc
5 days a week is overkill for 90% of the community, would lead to insufficient recovery, potentially CNS damage and atrophy too, as well as injury ofc
i used to do 3 times 2,5h swimming & 2 times 2h basketball training a week
thats the only time i lost a little weight >.>
i assume by 'train' he meant weightlifting
frequent cardio is much harder to overtrain
That goes for doing the same muscles these 5 days though, right?
Currently I'm doing a full body workout 3-4 times a week and doing cardio 3-4 times a week at the days between the muscle workout. Doing this the 5th week in a row now and so far I don't have any problems with that. :-O

There are still days without any sports though :-P
How you finding it, last time I saw a picture of you had lost loads. Have you hit any weight walls yet? Because a few of my friends are trying to lose weight and found it hard to push through the pain.
Yea, lost 73 kgs in total now, but I'm kinda stuck around 103-108 kgs atm. Even though I'm excercising a lot and also making quite some progress at it.
There are just too many parties and bbqs at the moment :-D

"Luckily" exams are coming up, so the next few weeks should be good for some more weight loss. I'm 100% sure that I'll crack the 100kgs this month!
o_o you were >170kg?
176,6 when I started this diet in february 2009. I was probably even more a few months before that :-|
when i think 170kg i think

image: wax-savickas

sure, he's got wayyyyyyyyyy more muscle mass than crossfire's total userbase, but he's still fucking MASSIVE

hard to imagine you were that weight man, when i saw you at lan i wouldn't have estimated over 120-130

makes your transformation all the more impressive though, congrats man
did you have to get to 170kg to understand you should maybe stop eating wtf ?
Not really, I just didn't care about that for some reason. And looking around, it seems I'm not the only one with that problem :-o
gamers...theyre not in shape O_O
awesome dude
i admire you :D
gj & keep it goin! ^^
It will be soooo worth it in the end. Awsome, just keep it up!!
Yep, it's already worth it and it was before with every kilo I lost. :-)

My desired weight is around 90-95 kgs (185cm tall) and I want to reach that by the end of august!
Krass! Ich stell mich dir grad bei nem Klassentreffen vor. Da werdem einige sicher große Augen machen, das zahlt schonmal viel zurück. Mach weiter so! :p
Ja sowas ist immer recht nice. Meist reichten schon die jährlichen 30 kgs für ein paar positive Bemerkungen, wenn man die Leute nur einmal im Jahr sieht :)

Bin mal gespannt, in wie weit sich das alles noch verändert über die nächsten 1-2 Jahre. Ich gehe einfach mal davon aus, dass ich den Sport weiterhin so durchziehen werde :-P
So ist auch richtig. :) Ich fall eher in das andere Extreme, sprich untergewichtig. Hab bis ich 17 war auch rudern wettkampfmäßig betrieben, dann aber zwecks mangelnder Motivation aufgehört. Da ich es aber selbst nicht schön finde schlacksig zu sein hab ich mich dazu entschieden wieder ins Fitness zu gehen (10 Monate jetzt) und die Komplimente die man bekommt, spornen einen nur noch mehr an. :P
Thats what I am almost exactly 188cm and 95kg currently, I was 136kg in Jan 2010, I don't feel like I need to loose more weight than this, I must say congrats on losing so much weight , it took long enough for me to control my eating habits to get like this, I can't even imagine having to lose twice as much to be at this weight
don't you have too much skin now ?
A bit, yeah. And it will probably get worse with the last 15 kgs. After that I'll wait 2 years and see how I can work against it with sport etc. If it doesn't help, I'll have to see a surgeon about it.
I've got ~10-12kg fat left and it never shifts. I can eat all day and not gain weight, and but I can also cut a fuckload of calories and exercise daily to no avail. Your body will need some time to adjust before it lets you shift the last part I think.
Respekt urtier, ehrlich !
what does a typical full body workout consist of for you?

full body 3 x a week is fine, even with additional cardio if you're adjusted to that, but lifting 5 times per week without an appropriate split and adjusted recovery would lead to the aforementioned problems
Chest, legs, arms, shoulders, abs, back. 2 excercises each (agonist/antagonist), supersets.
Coach at the gym gave me a plan and showed me around the machines and excercises and by looking at the pictures with the highlighted muscles it should cover up pretty much everything.

Sorry, no idea what the exact names for each machine/excercise are :)
if you're doing machine exercises i doubt you're doing anything particularly open to injury or CNS draining (e.g. squats/deadlifts/heavy compound exercises) so i guess you're fine ye
Technique plays a big role in training with free weights, you'll easily break yourself if you do the moves wrong.
As long as you don't overburden your back/neck, you should be fine doing gym even 5 times a week.
Not if you're a beginner and lifting properly

If you've been training for a couple of years and your recovery is pretty good, maybe, otherwise you're simply not going hard enough
Well if urtier's been training since 2009, that kind of implies he's not exactly a beginner.
Although if he's never done any training with free weights, of course it would be imperative to start out with smaller weights to properly learn the correct techniques and adjust to it.
I'm not training since that time. I bought a pair of dumbells a year ago and did some workouts with them (and own body weight, like push ups etc) and just joined the gym in april this year.

I wouldn't consider myself a total untrained noob but also not an experienced bodybuilder :-)
ye but he's not training with free weights = no CNS tax = quick recovery
different ball game
Could you post more details on your workout? :)
It's just this (hopefully :-P) full body workout posted above plus the cardio. Mostly jogging around 1 hour @ 8,5-9 km/h. Either treadmill at the gym or in the forest/nature, depending on the weather and mood. At weekends mostly football and biking.
I go 5 times a week D: Sometimes doesn't feel like it's enough though :/
what's your routine like?
still doing a circuit like training but instead low weight high reps, I do it the other way around, high weight low reps so I do gain. So monday, wednesday and friday I do 15min run + full body workout which takes about 1.5 hours, after that another 15min run + 30min cycling. Tuesdays and thursday is cardio only so I can recover, 30min run, 30 min bike, 30 min cross and ab workout. Doing this untill I got the desired weight, then I'll do chest on monday, back on tuesdays etc. etc.

e: not the desired weight, but bodyfat percentage :)
that doesn't really tell me a lot

basically, you'll be fine if you're sitting on machines doing curls, but if you're lifting heavy on squats and deadlifts for example, then you'll find yourself in trouble pretty soon
Been doing that without cardio for over an year, Im doing fine :)
ye, with isolation & machine exercises, it's not as easy to overtrain! gl though, glad things are working
Dont know man, Im pretty much beat when Im done with my session in the gym. Always pushing myself to the max and it's working out great at the moment :) thanks, gl2u2! :p
CNS and muscular fatigue are in completely different leagues
I have no idea what I just read :D All I know is I know what I'm doing and doing it for quite a while, it hasn't given me injuries or some other fatigues or decreasing motor skills (lol:p) and the results are good :)
I guess no one is able to understand that machines are vastly different than free weights, I spent 4 years training free weights for american football during school, now I use machines because its easier on my body but I'm still able to achieve a constant relatively high heart rate, though I do miss the burn after squats, makes you really feel like you're doing something
you aint that fat rubN mate :) gl dude <3
start jogging around 3times a week and dont eat late hours.
well i guess u can low calorie and high protein and eating more healthy "diet"

.. GL
Crossfire - A weight loss community
that's not true. your body fat has to be under 14,4%. I have atm 12,2%
'has to be'?? lol
The only thing basically that matters is your calorie intake. If you eat less calories than you burn, you will lose weight. With a calorie intake of 1500 per day, you should be losing about 1 kg in two weeks (but this is just an estimation, since your intake varies a lot).
personal trainer Sungi in service
1500 if you are a starving nigger in Africa
who ate all the pies?
intake of calories < calories needed.. obviously

but it really just needs a mix of eating the same amout of food (or a little less), and just more exercise, simple as that
My biggest fear in life.. man boobs.. keeps me up a tree and at the gym.

With anything like losing weight or gaining muscle the best tip I can give you is to do it with a group of mates or even just a friend will do. It will keep you both motivated and also you wont want to let the other person down by quitting early. As soon as you notice a change in your body it will spur you on more and more.

If you look good and feel good you will be a much happier person. Healthy body = Healthy mind.
12% body fat

skinny arms & legs, and fat stomach, so i'm cool
not really, i hardly ever drink :)
eat less fat/carbs, lift weights, do some light cardio (15-20 mins, 3-5x per week)

try a routine like starting strength ( if you don't know what exercises are best for weightlifting
Im not sure how other people feel but personally Im a huge fan of exercises that involve using all of your body. I really dont like those silly machines that concentrate on one or two muscle groups. Kettle bell exercises are the fucking daddy when it comes to gaining stength and all round muscle.
i completely agree on compound exercises and dynamic lifting; starting strength emphasises compound lifts like the deadlift/squat/bench/power cleans etc.

i love doing stuff like farmer's walk, and i really wanna try sled drags and prowler pushes also
what are the best exercises for stomach?
lol, for what goal? ab visibilty or core strength?
well, i have no idea, im not fat 180 cm and about 66 kgs but i dont have any muscles on my stomach and since im playing football i guess core strenght
well you do have muscles, they're just not showing

cut some weight if you want visible abs via diet/cardio

if you want a stronger core, i find things like front squats and farmer's walk completely rape my abs

for something more direct, try 'NS situps' - not many vids around but you essentially do situps on a decline bench, but hold at parallel for 5 seconds, then sit up and down to parallel, hold for 5 seconds, repeat etc.
the reason i really like this exercise is that you can add weight easily and you can make it difficult... i'm not especially strong and i can do crunches/sit ups whatever for a few minutes, so this is much more challenging

if you're doing more than 15 reps per set on ab exercises, you need something more difficult/heavy
Interesting ab workout, I had never really heard/seen anyone doing this but it sounds pretty intense if you sustain it for more than a few minutes, the cycle I mean, makes me wish I had a decline bench at home...
I can't do those for much more than a 45-60 seconds at a time because of the weight lol, they're very difficult, at least after a workout with squats/pulls
Honestly the best way to build Abs which I do as a warm up and it might sound strange but doing different types of pull-ups and dips. This will also help with your forearms which some people find hard to work and grip strength never mind all the other muscles in your upper body. But make sure you do them properly because you can really hurt yourself.

But if you're at home just doing standard Abs exercises and if you can steal your mums or sisters Swiss ball it’s easier. If you really want to turn up the pain you can add scissor kicks this will help work the lower Abs. But the only thing that helps is doing it a lot and often just hard work I’m afraid. - Swiss ball which I strongly recommend however you won’t be able to get out of bed in the morning haha.
get better metabolism.
girl name?
You mean the girl in the picture or the one he's trying to lose weight for? :)
susan coffey
surgery is the solution!
if your gonna lose weight, might as well gain muscle the same time ..instead of just going skinny & no shape !
real men is bearmode, throw that metrosex shit aside unless your homosex
enjoy your man boobs fatty lol
gotta try harder bro ;D
i don't know much about that shit but i would guess it is best to just make a diet and do cardio/burn calories and leave the weightlifting/training out at the beginning.... else you won't really get smaller, or not?
Get yourself a nice mealplan and workout in beastmode = win

e: oh, and drink shitloads of water
I think he needs a meal plane. That's why he asked.

Would also like to know :) Although i am not so big, 182 and 76-78 kilos.
Would like to know what ? :O :p
What to eat to lose weight?

I heard like rice isnt so good etc.
Brown rice is. Lots of protein in it. Your better off looking and bodyboulding fora for food information. I can write an whole essay about it, but not going to do that here lal ;p
hahaha good luck with that

my advice try less ET
at least you can play with boobs when you want ! :D

i'm 2.0 % only :)
7% of fat
too lazy to work out
ez, go running with a garbage bag over you & sweat it all off
It would help to know what your normal day routine looks like and what you eat at what times :-)
the answer to your questions are here

follow this and you can look like that guy -_-
got 2 uncles who did it, lost both around 30 & 40kg

me the fatty need to get back @ sport :P
Some persons' bodies are really complicated,
they earn easily some fat but it lookslike it's impossible to lose.
I study at a sports school and from what I've learned there is you should keep swimming&
try some running now and than. If you're trying really hard but you can't loose anything
you should go see a dietist. It's not a shame to go there even if youre not that fat.

I don't know much aboit it but, the product called "Alli" might help some?
goodluck anyways!
There are tons of reported complications with this product and I wouldn't suggest it to anyone.

If it's the same product we are talking about? Some pills that reduce the fat absorption of the body by some percentage.
yes, I wasn't really recommending it since I've no idea what it's actually doing.
I've seen it on tv and I thought it looked pretty "professional & believable".
But I guess there are more fine-working products which make use of the same princip (-2kg->-3kg) as Alli.

basically what you should do is start a program called SS, eat a lot of oats and squat 3 days a week. if you believed in god, his name is now Mark Rippetoe. he also goes by the nickname Rippletits.

If you want to get rid of some weight, start running everyday and pay some attention at what you're eating (but isn't needed that hard unless you are eating pizza and burgers every day).
When you come to your desired weight, start hitting the gym or just do some excercises at home and go swimming a lot (it's summer anyway).
Christian Bale in "The Machinist".
Not only a good movie but also an inspiration to not lose weight but put on muscles instead.
He had insomnia, that's different.
valid option to lose weight. disgusting never the less
Parent - try this . A comprehensive information about body bulding and losing fat )
what should people that don't like vegetables eat to replace it ?
put it in a blender, always works :D
what? all those disgusting things mixed together :S are you sure :D ?
nah, Mixing vegetables wouldn't be a good thing :P Learn to eat it tbh, it's with everything you eat really, if you don't like it but you eat it long enough, you will start to like it or mix it up with some sauces or w/e :d
I am 1.76 and used to weigh about 105 and I also had to lose weight. Currently I'm at 89, started watching food behaviour and more healthy living.

I started ofc by paying attention to food sources, low fat low calorie and high protein instead. Take chicken over beef and leave out any pork/pig meat as the fats in pork are very hard to work off. Fish such as tuna is also nice.
Leave out snacks!! No potato chips or candybar, if you do really hunger for a snack take some crackers or simple grain cookies. DO NOT eat after 8pm as in your sleep you can't burn fats nor calories which means you will do the opposite of loosing weight.

Exercise, on 3 days in the week i set my alarmclock an hour early to do some cardio(+-30 minutes). Because you havent eaten alot yet your body has to take energie from reserves such as fat and leftover sugers. After that have a protein rich breakfast but not a big breakfast(like 2 eggs on brown bread and some thee without sugar). If you have sports, don't go to gym the days you train, you don't want to outrun your body as you'll just start to eat more. You can workout 5 days a week, but be sure to switcx cardio and muscle(first months do cardio only! When you do muscle you gain weight as muscle weighs more than fat so you'll feel like your not loosing weight and it can demotivate you!). Try monday wednesday friday cardio(running, cycling, swimming are fine) and after a month go tuesday thursday for muscle(tuesday upperbody and thursday lowerbody) muscles will show also with less training as long as your not having that extra wintercoat ;).

And however some find it emberrasing.... Ask people around you(mom dad bro's sisters friends) to get a minimal amount of candy or sweet or chips into the house, taking away the 'temptation' of a nice snack. At my home we decided to have a special cabin in the kitchem which is like off limit for me:P.

Can't say alot more than good luck and if you suddenly gain some weight then dont give up as you probably just have to take a huge shit soon!!:P

Oh and btw, if you step on the scale. Try recreating the same weighing moment every day. Like before of when u get out of bed, doing it on different times of the day everytime will get you results that arent precise;) and its best to have em precise!!.
QuoteDO NOT eat after 8pm as in your sleep you can't burn fats nor calories which means you will do the opposite of loosing weight.

That's not true. The body repairs itself during sleep and ofc that burns calories, also muscles, brain etc. are still working. You can even boost that by leaving out carbs at dinner.
Theoretically it doesn't matter when you eat, however when you eat late your sleep might not be that deep and you will probably weigh more in the morning compared to an early dinner.

Gotta support you on the snacking part though! That's probably one of the biggest problems for everyone out there and has a huge impact on weight.
Also, as you said, you can't eat what's not in your house. Luckily I live on my own during the week so I don't have any problems with eating candy or other junk. But when I'm back at my mum's place for a weekend now and then, oh dear... :-P
Yea you're right. But I think it's better to not eat after 8pm as your body can use exessive fats for what it does at night. +most people have like a bag of chips during a movie at night which is one of the worst things you can do :P
Gotta lose weight?

EAT LESS! (dunno how to make this bold and bigger font)

Honestly, going to the gym will help but if you start to eat more because your using more calories it's not gunna help.

Think about what you eat on a day to day basis.
- Cut out any kind of soda or very sugary drinks (this includes juices you get from the store) and replace with water.
- Eat healthy, no more Maccy D's or KFC. But eat vegetables and unfried foods.

I know many people including myself that have lost a few pounds by sticking to these rules. Honestly sugar and fat are your enemy, if you know what you eat and avoid the bad things and stop with the bad habits, it's pretty easy to lose weight.

Go to the gym to gain some more muscle when losing weight.


Eat small meals every 2-3 hours. for explanation
Calories go in, and calories go out.

Wanna lose weight, make it so that less calories go in. If your gaining weight you eat too much, or more than your body needs. Just cut out soda and junk food and you'll go a long way.

I've been seeing these journals pretty often lately, and everyone is wrong. A healthy diet is so much more important than what musces you train on what days. Fuck that. Be reasonable, you are what you eat.

It's healthy to work out but unless you are seriously fat it's not your focal point when losing weight.
The other stuff is correct, just saying eating less will not make you loose weight.
After rereading my post, I guess I should have said eat less per meal.
You're pretty much right, however I think "Eat less" waves into the wrong direction. Consume less energy would be more suitable.
You can eat kilos of vegetables for a small chocolate bar, so in the end you're actually eating more :-)

Quote... you are what you eat.

Im cottage cheese with strawberries, banana and some nuts ? :S:S
Sure, why not!

Tomorrow morning I'll be chocolate porridge and banana. And probably also some nuts!
urtier can you show us a picture of you before you started your weight loss journy and how ur doing now if its not to personal :p
image: vergleich_12_2010

That picture is pretty old already as well though, I'm around 118kgs there. I'll make a new pic this week and upload it to my profile here (if I don't forget it :-))
looking good man, keep up the good work
Wrong reply m8
also better haircut!
woah!! well done, really nice
get of pc:O
ill give u pro diet

9:00 100grams wheat
12:00 100g tuna and salad
15:00 100g boiled chicken + rice
18:00 100g fish + salad + rice
21:00 100g cottage cheese

No salt
No sugar
Pfft with all the weigthlosing-journals

Ill be there when its about weightgain
+1(something more realistic than those suggestions to eat every 2 hours x of whatever...)
read this, everthing you need to know is in here


I don't want to become some huge bodybuilder freak, I just want to get in better shape and look better. Should I read this?

That's what this guide is for. It's a basic guide to diet & fitness for beginners who want to get in better shape. If you want to look better, improve your overall athletic ability, or just improve your health, read on. If you're a bodybuilder or athlete, you probably already know most of this.
Don't be too skinny either, because when you get sick your body will first burn fat. If you dont have any fat, your body will burn your muscles and thats far worse.
spekteef :D
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