
Lets try the new competitive cathedral version imo, in 1daycup or smt!
its such a random map, 10000 times too big with all rooms and floors.
The new competitive version is much better, I think we should at least test it, like we tested crevasse and adlernest!
all those maps you've just mentioned are shit. crevasse is too strange for ET, adlernest too lotto with one 2man kill and way too fast, and cathedral still too huge ;>
What the fuck are you on about? He said we should TEST it like we TESTED the other maps, why are you proving they are shit?
ok, lets test cs_inferno, it might be very cool i've heard!
Don't see your logic. Explain Mr. Critic.
why should we test something if its useless to test. well, ok, i dont mind, do a cup with those maps, but they are just not able to take as a serious map imo
how do you know if the new version is rubbish until it's tested?

If i remeber correctly old oasis was played for about two years before everyone suddenly realised it was broken. Old goldrush was also played for about two years. There really is no way of knowing if a map is good or bad until its been played many many times. And then once it has been played alot it will be clear what needs changing to make it better.
He was speaking about cathedral, you drew the other maps to the convo.
cathedral should replace radar, imo

cathedral was designed for competition

radar wasn't
radar is actually the best map existing in ET
How can a rifle like Radar? ;D
i also like playing smg, and i think im not the worst in it :B
Radar is a good map, but I still disagree. It´s not the best and certainly not for 3on3.
stfu!, radar is ze best map.
the fact that it has been made for competetive gaming doesnt mean its good, while radar is one of the best maps atm
idd radar is da best
So your only defense here is that it wasn't designed for competition?

Holy fuck, ET wasn't designed for competition, it can't be good!
Indoor radar times 2, must be great.
agree, its 10 times better than adlernest or crevasse
cathedral is to big. + it's a radar objective copy.
I agree with you because i have to
It's just another map with too many flat surfaces
the newer version does not have the top floor so its far smaller in terms of playable space then the prevoius version. It always was smaller then GR or radar so i dont see why everyone says its too big! And i would be open to suggestions to improve the map if it were to get properly tested!
The problem with cathedral compared to grush is that it isnt linear. As i remember the map it has so many routes that it was a real pain in the ass to make decent tax for it. Grush is just far easier to play because everybody will be busy defending the tank, rather then a spawnflag, 3-4 routes, plantable doors, etc. Just way to much possiblities. Removing the top floor might have reduced the problem, maybe its time to check out the map again.
Axis only need to defend the floor area now.
radar is the best map ever though and should never be replaced!
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