What's up with pc gaming?

The release of rtcw in 2001, et in 2003 is nothing compared to release of any recent game? I am only talking about pc gaming and only talking about fps.

If you look at CB, ESL or any other competitive site (dunno) there is little activity compared to 10 years ago...

It doesnt matter for developers if their most users are consoleplayers, they only want to see there game to be played and bought, I cannot blame them

What if ET was released in 2011 instead of 2003. It would never had the success it has now..

Ever played a fps on console? This is never meant to be played like this

The beginning of the end is already started. Every fps game released is first developed for consoleplayers. I hope nobody is hoping for ET:2 because if it would be ever released this would be such a disappointment. Forget about MW3 forget about BF3, their aim is to keep the consoleplayers happy

f*ck you man
image: fuckxbox
pc is dead
true dat , but....wcyd ?
make ur own game is an option
If I would do that , I wouldn't even try to make something similar to ET. Something like that just can't be done right :p
This guy talking about dooms day wasnt completely wrong you know, god has left us and saving mankind is to late, we're now dancing with the devil and have no idea how to break the dance pattern to step onto Lucifers feet
Very true. PC gaming doesn't have the numbers required to make (m)any new games into anything competitive. There have been games with potential, and some will make it (sc2, QL spring to mind - both remodels of existing games), but most will fail. Especially as some people seem to think ET was out-the-box perfect! :D
Actually I think PC gaming is on a secret rise again. Steam is growing and online distribution is the future. Also the likes of Carmac (Doom, Quake etc..) are complaining that Consoles limit them too much because of the hardware.

I think PC has a long way to go to regain popular appeal and might never do, but for hardcore gamers and for FPS players I think it will make a solid come back.
I dont have that feeling. Been away from gaming for 5 years and much has changed. I dont think the number of gamers has decreased but the majority are just buying the game for console. Why not releasing dedicated servers? That's just to force people to buy it on console
dedicated servers has little to do with consoles and more to do with a different way of thinking

BlackOps had dedicated servers on Xbox paid for by microsoft so there you go :p

For MW2 I can see why IW dropped dedicated servers, it keeps the game a bit more consistent and you don't miss the start/ends of games but they could have just wrapped dedicated servers in their match making system and things would have been just as as good.

Much has changed in gaming, consoles have become a bigger market BUT I don't feel that PC gaming has decreased - just look at Steam, CSS, TF2, CoD4 etc... but consoles have grown faster
dedicated servers gives us pc players more flexibility. I think no pc players prefers no dedicated servers right?

You are talking about older games. I dont know anything about stats but its just a general feeling. Sticky this journal and look back at it within 5 years. I predict an even worse scenario. You get a crate of beer if you're right! But I need 2 of them if I am right :))
i think dedicated servers will come to consoles to be honest, they might be 'cloud based' or regulated like QuakeLive has them though. Better than nothing though.

I know some developers were looking into true P2P servers which will be interesting to see how they perform
+1 I think ET is the game thats most played (the same name, not like moving from cod 2 to cod 4) and ET is still alive after all these years which is impressive. Today ppl only see graphics and shit, my friends like cod coz of the graphics not gameplay so they cant appreciate this game.
COD:MW2 is mostly played on console and the TDM mode which gets pretty boring after a while, once you have done the challenges or got the unlocks its just a repetitive game
QuoteI think ET is the game thats most played

what do you mean by that?
by that i mean that the game is 7 years old and is still active altough seems to be dieing slowly. some other games which were released isnt played anymore.
It's far from the most played. O_o (CounterStrike..?, even Quake, BroodWar in Korea)
oh yeaa.. :p but still ET is a free game. except quake live....
Not waiting for a new game anyways, when I quit ET, I stop gaming completely.
never bought a console :D Always played at PC :D

The GAME that i played with love are: QUAKE III and rtcw (cracked) and ET
ClanBase is dead. ESL is alive. SC2 competitive scene is huge and has a lot of events and very good activity.

But you are right that consoles will certainly succeed whereas the PC game niche will die a slow death I guess. I think no FPS engine besides for BattleField3 is being made for the PC - they just make it for consoles and make poor adjustments for the PC. If some developer decided to make a blockbuster game like ModernWarfare exclusivly for the PC they most certainly go bankrupt.
and where r u?
What do yo mean?
didnt see u onliiiiiiiiiiiiine!
I'm logged in here once a day!

counts :P
Dont get the same feeling for release of BF 3 as in 2002 with Battlefield 1942, that was epic huge battlefield huge community alot of servers was just mind blowing. It all seems so 20% of the fuss back then
The fuss definitaly increased... look at how mainstream all those CoD titles are. BF3 should be a lot better than BlackOps but people still hype CoD stuff more.

Dunno if you've seen this yet but it's honestly mindblowing imo. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2zw8SmsovJc

Even the sound is awesome.

edit: wow just saw the new gameplay trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9UwOrl036_A

sick shit ;o
yea ok that marketing. I am talking about the actual release. They hyped up Brink also, look at it now
Hhmhmm, Brink never looked impressive (imo). That's actual BattleField ingame footage - no matter the marketing hype. That just looks pretty incredible.
you're talkin' about graphics I talk about gameplay eeh :)
So you already know the gameplay will suck compared to the old Battlefield games? I didn't like the multiplayer back then doubt I will now. Will just buy it because of epic singleplayer. :>
hmm Source engine (CSS, HL2, TF2) was made for PC first and foremost plus there is steam
RAGE is being developed primarily on PC

anyway if a game is made well then the platform/hardware shouldn't really matter too much
Didnt read will only leave this here :

The only good competitive fps-games ever have all been produced on the Q3 engine.

In before Slajdan's "OMG CS AND COD YOU RETARD"-reply, and no they suck compared to the games I mentioned.
this. cod and cs might be fun but not even close to the fun you have on a q3 based game
Lmao, so CS isnt a good competetive FPS game?

u b trolling man.
I haven't any recent consoles at home but when I play PS3/Xbox/Wii whatever I keep rolling my friends. I tell them I'm a PC player and they always answer when you can play on PC you can play on any random consoles. PC > consoles
just paly ql and et and be happy
I love this game, so i´m back ;)
ET2 is already released... it failed
ET2 is not released wat?
Wolfenstein = ET 2
No:D?????? It is RTCW2
ET = RTCW with new maps and a new mod, so technically it's RTCW 3
As long as Activision-Blizzard keeps developping game for pc's, we are safe.
The Activision side could very likely kill it though.
If Et would be released this year, I would puke of the ugly gfx
so i was thinking of getting an xBox 360. Got any advice which games to get? :ugly:
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