bad lip reading

Sup cf

I was subbed to this channel for a while & they finaly released a new video
They basicly try do lip read a song & then cover it with the lyrics they understood.

There will prolly be ppl not liking this,
i guess its just a taste of humor, to each his own :)

Let me know if u enjoyed it

didn't you share the same song and pic yessterday ?
UFK & same girl,
diff song diff pic ;D

cant help it, fell in love
thought the same xD
i like girls that stand out
alot of tatoos & peircings are ugly as fuck
but these, i like :)
we need some help from above :D
really mate, if you are into these kinda tattoos and piercings, ( the ones on her cheeks mate WTF) you should seek help
why would i need to get help
am i supposed to just listen to what other ppl like
& have no opinion of myself? :)

the peircings in her cheeks give her a little dimple
thats cute ;D
thats ur opinion, i got my opinion
sry if i dont like the "casual" girls
its not that i only go for casual girls, i just want a girl to be able to look proper at times its needed,. i have a tattoo myself on my back but thats not a place where everyone sees it all the time
if she thinks she looks proper & the person she loves thinks the same
what does it matter? some ppl just want to be themselves instead of changing to be "normal"
theres just some times in your life you HAVE to look proper, talking about job interviews etc that kinda shit
you can just take them out :D
but i do see what u mean ^^
you can take them out and see holes in your face:P
a tongue piercing or smthing isnt that bad to kiss with tho:P
if they judge you from the way you look thats their problem imo
u cant see if some1s good at a job just by looking at some1
no ofc, but if ur like a big fance manager and you have ajob interview , they will judge on the tattoos they see or the piercings you wear in ur face
thats true indeed ^^
it's nicely done, but far from funny

also : those piercings and tattoos ruined a perfectly hot chick
I agree, without those she probably would be quite stunning. I don't understand it. :(
you have to be & look like what you want
why would you not do what you want so other ppl can find you "attractive"
Well, what I meant was why people would want to look like that in the first place.
Of course everyone should look like he/she wants to, as long as it's not against law or common morals.
becuz those ppl like that stuff
you just dress how you want ppl to see you
& how you like to see yourself
theres no standards for beauty
theres alot of ppl that like it & theres always ppl that are gonna hate it
to each his taste
Well the song is way better than the original :p
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