How Much Do You Spend On Bills?

Just wondering what kinda proportion of their income people spend on bills etc?

Just looking to see whether I can afford to upgrade to a nicer pad & it turns out I only spend 22% of what I earn per month on bills!

Also figured out after bills / food 'n stuff in the last month I earned about £600 more than I had to spend - yet I still ended up in my overdraft. What the actual fuck?
Also recent more xf typa revelation seems I've kinda gone off hardcore porn - woman getting destroyed lost the appeal anyone else prefer the softer stuff?
Drink is the devil and many many gigs.

Be good to see how much bang for their buck people get elsewhere. Photos of your places 'n what it costs... *awaits pics from rabitkrk of his mansion for only £100 p/m*
how much? i just collect the bills from my mail box and hand them over to my dad without even opening them. that's how much
Bastard. Those are the days.
yeah try not getting drunk as fuck for a month, saves a shitload of money
:DD mission impossible
it really does! i dont know about you but on an average weekend i spend about ~80euro for drinking only! you really save a lot of money if you stay at home on weekends!
Yep it's easy to spend well over £100 when you're drinking, getting into places, taxis, food etc - I've also a habit of going to gigs wherever & hotelling it which can be pricey!
wow i never stayed in a hotel just for going out! but taxi / drunk food is reaaaally expensive cause when youre drunk u just dont care about money -.-
Not for a night out locally! Jeez. We're just in the habit lately of travelling around to see gigs,so been spending nights in London & such.
sleep in car! :PP
yeah I used to average ~60 a night 2/3 times a week, haven't done so for a while now, so much money left over ;P (and I claim all overload prizemoney ofc!)
more then 2000 a month
I earn 2.387 euro a month my bill's come to just under a thousand and was all ways ending up 100 euro over draw a month. Only because i spent to much on the weekend drinking so i said fuck this shit an only went out every second weekend. I saved a fortune and am going on a holiday to turkey now on sunday :D
So around 40% then - you earn a few k more a year than me but I imagine you've a decent place for that price?
Rich bastards. Your supposed to live in poverty now with all that shit in Ireland :)
+1 i no m8 im one of the lucky ones but i have a had too pay cuts %15 in total
Oh, ok. And those 2387 euro, is that brut or net? 1000 euro seems a lot for rent but then again if you earn so much...
With rent in Ireland, no m8 i had to move back home till i get my shit together my rent in my house was 900 euro a month for a 2 bed house fucking crazy
never ever rent :)
i cant buy a house i have tried that state ireland is in, the bank's wont loan the money
well about 30% of my income is used for rent (quite much actually, but i just have a 20h/job), another 10% for my bills (internet, phone mostly), the rest is for fun and drinking!

anyway i never save up any money, since i earn quite little!!
Probably spent around 150 euro a month, the rest I save, around 1500 euro.
Again bastard.

It's all about the choice you make bud. Either living independant or saving a lot. Some choose the first, I choose the 2nd option :) Your a year younger boy so you could aswell (except if your parents threw you out) :)
leave ur gf, stop drinking and smoking


seems you never had / experienced any of these things

fucking nerd , stfu.
Gets even more fun when you have kids. And yes 22% on bills is probably normal.

in greece you can easily live with 300-500 euros per month with rent as a student in a town, as long as you mind your spending.
dont like this. Why are you ignoring me :(
wie wat waar wanneer

Ik heb HoN van maarten gekregen we kunnen wel een keertje spelen als je zin hebt.
En voeg me weer toe op msn ofzo
how is your kid doing :}
rofl XD , come msn if you still have it installed :P
Stop taking our fucking money
Blame the government, i never took your money!
You're Greek, you're taking everyones money :l
What do u mean exactly? Live from 300-500 euro including the rent? HOw much u pay for rent? Or do u mean it costs that much for rent?
60% -> 300 Euro (Flat, internet, mobile, energy).

If I counted in the savings I'd have to do each month to pay the university fee for half a year, it would be around 340 Euro. Leaves me with a whooping 160 Euro each month to spend on groceries and everything else :-((
looks like no smonking/drinking/going out for you o.O :(
Well, no smoking atleast!

And sometimes the food on the menu can be quite boring and redundant :-D
Time to win another quakecon
needs lucel!
Wish I saw any of that money ;-)
I seriously didn't receive any from the prize money, and neither did the others (atleast senji and ferus). We got our flights and hotel paid though, so afterall it was still a very nice trip :)
lol yeah i can imagine that :)

already got a team for rtcw cup in september?
Nope, I'm not even sure if I play the cup. Would have to move my PC to this place. The laptop can't even handle the old game :-D
move it :p and lets revive indomitus :o)
temporary low rent 200€, other bills bout 60€. earning 2500-3500€ currently (rough average)
Rich bastard. Is that brut or net?
I don't pay taxes at all.
I currently have to pay 400 a month cause I owe my parents alot but beyond that I don't have to pay for anything (phone, internet, food etc.) I only make ~1,000 a month so kinda sucks but whatever, during the school year I'm actually gonna make good money, probably 600-700 for living costs then but I'll be making two to three times as much as I am now
parents pay everything, spoiled kid - will have no future.
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