Building a website

Hey guys!

I was thinking of making a website, I got a couple ideas I want to work out.

But I was wondering where I can rent the most cheapest domain.
I was thinking about .com or .nl

Do you guys know where I can rent a cheap web domain?

Cute kitty:
image: 18374576
i will take your ideas
Quote by CobbWhat is the most resilient parasite? Bacteria? A virus? An intestinal worm? An idea. Resilient... highly contagious. Once an idea has taken hold of the brain it's almost impossible to eradicate. An idea that is fully formed - fully understood - that sticks; right in there somewhere.
if its a good idea, get a suitable domain not the cheapest.

.nl will only appeal to dutch people
That's true, but i haven't decided my target group yet.

I got ideas but I have to adjust it to the target group I want to appeal.

The thing you said about not going for the cheapest is a good one, haven't thought about it like that.

when building your site try something like Google App Engine which give you hosting for free, then once you have built it and tested it you can link the site to a domain

but yeh it pays to get a good domain
Those are the tips I wanted to hear,

thanks a lot!
Won't even waste my time to google because you already spend that time to make this journal...
I actually googled, but the amount of offers were so big, I thought it might be better to ask people who know what they're saying.

Some people here know a thing or two about websites.

.tk ":D"
haha I lol'd at that :P
Go for .nl if your target group is plain Dutch, otherwise go for .com.
I believe .eu is quite cheap but it is not as popular and attractive as .com.

As Ethr said, go for the best not for the cheapest. The difference in price is not that much anyway and .com will appeal a lot more than .eu.
You can get many domains for freaking cheap. I have a .name domain and it's like eight euros a year, .net is very cheap too (about the same price class) and .com might be a tad more expensive but still very cheap.

The country-specific top-level domains can be more expensive, though.
domains are cheap, 5-8$ a year. shared hosting is around 6-8$ per month
any experience with it?
yea look ispgids for more reviews.
Website about what?
guess you mean hosting rather than domain rental - domains costs are fairly cheap in the UK (£5 for 2 years) Hosting on the other hand is where you pay quite a bit of money and it really depends on how many people will come on your site and what you have to offer.

Downloads / video streams from your host etc = more hosting space & traffic per month = more expensive.

Ive used UK2 in as a uk company, even if you have a dutch bought domain you can use UK hosting if you prefer / is cheaper. is cool, also HostGator is good, offers also very nice hosting packages.
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