London 4h

Will stay 4 hours in London, what to do ? ill be around victoria bus station so fair enough
fish n chips!
Make your way to Camden and sample some fine foods at the market
Stay out of my manor!
shopping ofc @ carnaby street !
meet some gamers locally for drinks, if you have any london gamer friends
From Victoria you're right by buckingham palace so you could go there
jeh done, thx, couldnt read comments tho :p
Meet the master of baserace, da femblu
come to belgium so i can beat you up and steal your money
what Tosspot said! Go see the Queen's house.
To be honest central London is fairly small and there's good bus routes so I would travel around a bit.

When I had my internship at Google I went to Victoria every day (their office is across the street if you want to go see). There's a tourist bus outside the station on the Google side which will go round all the historical sites in London. I suggest doing that.
Go to cyber dog
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