Friday Night Music.

At least it was friday when I started writing =). Enjoy.

Liquid Drum'n'bass
Scott Lowe - Circles In My Mind (TwoThirds remix) credits to Germanyschnee since this song is godlike
TwoThirds - Essence
Indivision - Game Over

Ambience & Electronic
Oceanic State - Hungry Souls
Lemaitre - Strobes Pt. 2
Metric - Collect Call (Cosmonaut Grechko remix)
Cosmonaut Grechko - Alaska 2100
Pyramid - Solar

The XX - Crystalized (Gorillaz's Cover)

Acoustic/Soft Rock
The National - Slow Show

Random Song for all who played gamma_mill.pk3
DJ Fire - The Closest Thing to Heaven

This youtube playlist contains all of the songs mentioned above.

PS. Making jounals like these takes me hours since I have to listen to all of these songs once I hit the play button.

PS2. Minecraft all night long?
That first one is one of the few dubstep songs I really like. Not that much of a fan.
The other two are nice as well though not stunning.

Enjoyed =)
/me likes your music journals, Keep em coming!

Have a good night, going to sleep now, university in few hours! :|
Sounds good, though dubstep is not really my style.
Thank you for the great music! Specially for "Liquid Drum and Bass", made my morning :D
scott lowe track is great, will check the rest later, gonna go eat a carvery

make music journals more often! you can find the ones i've made via my profile if you're interested
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