frop = best admin

stop flaming Netherlands Frop.

he's the best admin after Ireland sol, so please, everyone, FUCK OFF.

ur all just lucky he's kind enough to NOT ban ur ass. you should be thankful that he edits journal names, seriously. you are all cunts because you cant properly write a journal with a normal name.

he's so kind that he RESPONDS and REPLIES to your fucking whine and rage in comments, you unthankful cunts.

best admins:

Ireland sol
Netherlands Frop
Belgium Krosan

best m8:

Finland miNd
what a nigger
sandnigger or just a normal nigger?
random crazy nigger with sticks :>
if cf would ban, there would be alot less hits that means alot less money, they dont care about you or your opinion, its all about the content that may be inapropriet ex: Artist Rights, the cf gets suied -> milions of dollars (eminem suid apple for 1song for around 20mil dollars)

the rest what they do is just fun, like deliting spam and taking away posting rights

best admin awards, made me lol as shit, how old are u?

cf= Huge company, congratz to all admins tho nice job

also, lans should be held somewhere in the midle of the fucking europe, not on a fucking island WTF RLY
39103 members doesn't make CF such a big company... Heaven media is a big one tho.
If anyone ever thought that there might be a (very) slight chance that you're a troll and not just a complete moron, I'm quite sure they don't think so any more.
which troll puts in the effort to make fragclips with everyday stuff?
This journal is already edited, he?
cynical? :XD
fuck you frop, sol, krosan and dunzy
ye fuck you whale and dolphin
*lick lick lick*
what the fuck is wrong with you, putting krosan among gods like frop and sol, that's pretty much the same as if you put petrip in there
I like your comment.
dunzym8, thought we were cool?!
You'll have to make some ridiculous decision at SAGE (killing ET in the process) to make it in that list.
usually i would say here 'fuck sol' but this time I go with a simple:

Fuck dunzy
actually thnk krosan s better. he became admn for fshnh n a lAN so he got way better admnng sklls
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