What are you digestiN?
19 Jun 2011, 18:55
After a hard weekend playing on BiO and trolling Crossfire, my fuel-reserves were going low.
First cure a nice cebab with fries:
Still hungry so 45 minutes later a little snack: (Noticed in this pic how fucking messy the stove is, still too lazy to clean it)
What you eatin?
First cure a nice cebab with fries:
Still hungry so 45 minutes later a little snack: (Noticed in this pic how fucking messy the stove is, still too lazy to clean it)
What you eatin?
vet figuurtje aan het maken voor op't strand.
maandag borst, dinsdag rug & biceps, woensdag schouders en triceps, donderdag rust en vrijdag weer borst, zaterdag zondag rust :P
zo doe ik het :P
zo ziet mijn training eruit: http://www.youtube.com/user/Atiunderscore?feature=mhee#p/a/f/0/-AuIURhCoAA
nee benen doe ik niet, ik ga soms fietsen of lopen, heb geen smalle beentjes dus die train ik niet in de fitness/gym :P trapezius doe ik ook nog tussendoor soms :d
Film rundskop al gezien? die kerel is ziek :D
succes ! :)
salad, veg burger and potatoes
Both taste pretty good though compared to Harzer Cheese. Latter ones nutrition values are just insane though: 125 kcal, 30g Protein, 0 carbs, 0,7 fat / 100g.
Just 2,5 months ago I joined the gym and started working out there. Workout consists of full body workout 3 times a week and cardio 3 times a week, sometimes even 4 times or twice a day (football, jogging, cycling)
So since autumn 2010 (at ~125 kgs) pretty much I started working out more and more until I reached the current state. Before that it was mostly impossible because of the weight.
So now I'm at 105 kgs and my cardio sessions last around 1h, 8-9 km jogging. Trying to increase the speed atm :-o
(you lost more than my weight xD )
I'm 185cm tall, so some calculators say my perfect weight would be below 80 kgs even, some say it's 85. However my desired weight would be around 90-95 kgs. So that's still atleast 10 more kgs to lose!
either way thats alot already. I guess you have alot of "free" skin now, did you think about removing it?
I should talk to my insurance company though, maybe they'll cover the costs or parts of it. Bastards never had to pay anything anyway!
no pic
digested it 15min ago :F
naow just drinkin cola, probably gonna make some food soon since my meat getting old tonait
ps. nice mm's candies
ps. unbannaa mut naamalta
CF is filled with ATHLETES